Sermons - Hadith Net Dar al-Hadith Institue <![CDATA[Sermon 170: About the obligation of following the truth after it has been established……]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 169: There is no doubt that Allah sent down the Prophet (S) as a guide…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 168: O my brothers! I am not ignorant of what you know….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 167: Allah, the Glorified, has sent down a guiding Book….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 166: The young among you….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 87: The most beloved of Allah is he whom...]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 240: Exhorting his men to jihad and asking them to refrain from seeking ease]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 239: O Ibn al-’Abbas!...]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 238: They are life for knowledge and death for ignorance….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 237: They have been collected….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 236: Perform (good) acts while you are still in the vastness of life…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 235: I began following the path….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 234: May my father and my mother shed their lives for you…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 233: They differ among themselves…..]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 232: Know that the tongue is a part of a man's body…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 231: This money is neither for me nor for you…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 230: The Prophet manifested….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 229: Certainly, fear of Allah is the key to guidance…..]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 228: You drew out my hand towards you for allegiance….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 227: May Allah reward such and such man….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 226: O My God! Thou art the most attached….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 225: This is a house surrounded by calamities….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 224: O My God! Preserve (the grace of) my face…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 223: By Allah, I would rather pass a night….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 222: The addressee (in this verse) is devoid of argument]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 221: Certainly, Allah has made His remembrance….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 220: How distant (from achievement) is their aim….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 219: He (the believer) kept his mind alive….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 218: Abu Muhammad (Talhah) lies…..]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 217: O My God! I beseech Thee….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 216: So now, Allah, the Glorified, has….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 215: Praise be to Allah! Who made me such….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 214: I stand witness that He is just and does justice…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 213: Praise be to Allah who is above all similarity to the creatures…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 212: O My God! Whoever listens to our utterance…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 211: It is through the strength of Allah's greatness…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 210: Certainly what is current among the people…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 209: What will you do with this vast house in this world…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 208: O people, matters between me and you….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 207: Hold back this young man on my behalf….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 206: I dislike you starting to abuse them….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 205: Both of you frown over a small matter….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 204: May Allah have mercy on you!....]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 203: O people, certainly this world is a passage….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 202: O Prophet of Allah, peace be upon you…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 201: O people! Do not be desolate at the small number….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 200: By Allah, Mu’awiyah is not more cunning than I am….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 199: Pledge yourself with prayer and remain steady on it…]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 198: Allah knows the cries of the beasts in the forest….]]> http://https:/ Sermons <![CDATA[Sermon 197: Those companions of Muhammad….]]> http://https:/ Sermons