Rare Centuries-Old Quran Copies on Display in Singapore Mosque

Rare Centuries-Old Quran Copies on Display in Singapore Mosque

Inside a mosque in Singapore, there is a sanctuary of rare Quran copies dating back to the powerful Ottoman Empire in the early 15th century.... more
Date : 9/24/2016 Number of Visits : 2616
Berlin to Host Quranic Conference in Late September

Berlin to Host Quranic Conference in Late September

A conference titled “Aspects of Quranic Scholarship - Philology meets Theology” is planned to be held in the German capital of Berlin later this month.... more
Date : 9/14/2016 Number of Visits : 1568
World Quran Hour Encouraging Muslims to Read the Holy Quran

World Quran Hour Encouraging Muslims to Read the Holy Quran

Launched in Arafah, Saudi Arabia as part of the start of the Hajj, the event was well received as millions of Muslims from all walks of life partook in the international effort.... more
Date : 9/13/2016 Number of Visits : 1015
Ziyarat of Imam Mohammad al-Jawad (AS)

Ziyarat of Imam Mohammad al-Jawad (AS)

Peace be on you, O Aba Jafar Muhammad bin Ali the pious, God fearing and faithful guide! Peace be on you, O the chosen wise! Peace be on you,... more
Date : 9/1/2016 Number of Visits : 2604
Nahj al-Balagha International Conference Postponed

Nahj al-Balagha International Conference Postponed

The 17th edition of the Nahj al-Balagha International Congress has been postponed.... more
Date : 8/29/2016 Number of Visits : 913
Berlin Museum to Host “Sultan of Khorasan” Night on Imam Reza (AS) Birth Anniversary

Berlin Museum to Host “Sultan of Khorasan” Night on Imam Reza (AS) Birth Anniversary

A cultural event titled “Sultan of Khorasan” is planned to be held at the Berlin Museum in the German capital city next week.... more
Date : 8/8/2016 Number of Visits : 2337
A lady who is manifestation of Allah

A lady who is manifestation of Allah

In the holy city of Medina, the holy household was awaiting the arrival of a new born. In the house of Imam Kadhim (AS), Najma, the wife of the honorable Imam was eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the child; she was counting days ...... more
Date : 8/6/2016 Number of Visits : 1090
Lady Fatima Masuma Birth Anniv. and Her Childhood

Lady Fatima Masuma Birth Anniv. and Her Childhood

Mecca is God s sanctuary, Medina is Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him and his household), Kufa is Imam Ali s (A.S.), and Qom will be the sanctuary for one of my descendents; her name shall be Fatima. Whosoever visits her sanctuary will be rewarded ...... more
Date : 8/6/2016 Number of Visits : 1353
‘Dictionary of Flora and Fauna of Quran’ Released in India’s Aligarh

‘Dictionary of Flora and Fauna of Quran’ Released in India’s Aligarh

“Eat and drink, but waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters”, reminded Dr. Mohd. Iqtedar Husain Farooqi, while highlighting the Quranic injunctions regarding the flora and fauna, and animals at a book release ceremony organized by the Ibne Sina Academy in Aligarh, ...... more
Date : 7/28/2016 Number of Visits : 1955
Germany Returns Rare Quran Manuscripts to Iran

Germany Returns Rare Quran Manuscripts to Iran

Iran’s Consulate-General in Munich received two rare Quran manuscripts of an Iranian private collection from Munich Police, found during an investigation into missing items of the collection.... more
Date : 7/27/2016 Number of Visits : 1342
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Number of Cases : 531