US Imam Calls For Holy Books Protection Law

US Imam Calls For Holy Books Protection Law

A few days after the burning of three copies of the Noble Quran in front of a Dearborn mosque, an American Muslim imam has called for issuing a new law banning burning of desecrating holy books.... more
Date : 6/22/2014 Number of Visits : 682
Scientific Aspect of Int'l Quran Exhibition to Be Enhanced

Scientific Aspect of Int'l Quran Exhibition to Be Enhanced

Director of the 22nd Tehran International Holy Quran Exhibition said the scientific aspect of the exhibition is set to be boosted this year.... more
Date : 6/18/2014 Number of Visits : 654
Quran, Hadith Center Launched in Madagascar

Quran, Hadith Center Launched in Madagascar

The Al-Mustafa International University... more
Date : 6/18/2014 Number of Visits : 621
15 Countries to Participate at Sibt-un-Nabi Int’l Congress

15 Countries to Participate at Sibt-un-Nabi Int’l Congress

Scientific secretary of “Sibt-un-Nabi” International Congress said scholars and intellectuals from 15 countries will participate at the congress.... more
Date : 6/11/2014 Number of Visits : 611
Imam Mahdi’s (AJ) Birthday to Be Celebrated in Hamburg

Imam Mahdi’s (AJ) Birthday to Be Celebrated in Hamburg

On the occasion of the birthday of Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his glad advent), a celebration will be held on June ۱۲ by the Islamic Center of Hamburg.... more
Date : 6/8/2014 Number of Visits : 754
Russian Translation of Ayatollah Ma'refat's Quranic Work Published

Russian Translation of Ayatollah Ma'refat's Quranic Work Published

The Russian rendering of the book "Quranic Sciences" by late Ayatollah Ma'refat has been published in Moscow.... more
Date : 6/7/2014 Number of Visits : 1132
Policy-making Council of Int’l Quran Exhibition Holds Session

Policy-making Council of Int’l Quran Exhibition Holds Session

The first meeting of the policy-making council of the ۲۲nd Tehran International Holy Quran Exhibition was held on Tuesday.... more
Date : 6/7/2014 Number of Visits : 824
Int'l Quran Competition; Finalists Introduced

Int'l Quran Competition; Finalists Introduced

The finalists in the Islamic Republic of Iran's ۳۱st International Holy Quran Competition were introduced last night, June ۱.... more
Date : 6/3/2014 Number of Visits : 806
“Savior in Different Religions” Conference Planned in India

“Savior in Different Religions” Conference Planned in India

On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his glad advent), a conference titled “Savior in various religions and their view on the future of the world” will be held on June ۱۵ in Hyderabad, India.... more
Date : 6/3/2014 Number of Visits : 925
12th Vol. of Quran Encyclopedia to Be Unveiled at Int’l Quran Exhibition

12th Vol. of Quran Encyclopedia to Be Unveiled at Int’l Quran Exhibition

Director of Quranic encyclopedia’s section of the Center for Quran Culture and Teachings said the 12th volume of Quran Encyclopedia will be published and unveiled at the 22nd international Quran exhibition in Tehran.... more
Date : 6/2/2014 Number of Visits : 481
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Number of Cases : 531