Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA) Celebrated in Nairobi

Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA) Celebrated in Nairobi

On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA), a ceremony was held on April 20 by Jaffery Islamic Center in Nairobi, Kenya.... more
Date : 4/22/2014 Number of Visits : 688
Quran Competition Planned in Maryland

Quran Competition Planned in Maryland

The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) plan to hold a Quran competition in May.... more
Date : 4/22/2014 Number of Visits : 933
Quran and Islamic Civilization, Main Theme of 8th Quranic Studies Conference

Quran and Islamic Civilization, Main Theme of 8th Quranic Studies Conference

The main theme of the eighth Quranic Studies Conference is Quran and Islamic Civilization.... more
Date : 4/22/2014 Number of Visits : 945
12th Volume of Quran Encyclopedia Ready for Tehran Int’l Book Fair

12th Volume of Quran Encyclopedia Ready for Tehran Int’l Book Fair

The 12th volume of the Encyclopedia of the Holy Quran will be presented at the 27th Tehran International Book Fair.... more
Date : 4/20/2014 Number of Visits : 699
Fatima, Lady of Kindness International Forum Planned in Tehran

Fatima, Lady of Kindness International Forum Planned in Tehran

Secretary General of Muslim Women’s World Union said an international forum on the virtues of Hazrat Fatima (SA) will be held on April 20 in Tehran.... more
Date : 4/19/2014 Number of Visits : 845
Fatemi Encyclopedia to Be Unveiled on Eve of Hazrat Fatemeh (SA) Birthday

Fatemi Encyclopedia to Be Unveiled on Eve of Hazrat Fatemeh (SA) Birthday

On the eve of the auspicious birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA), the Fatemi Encyclopedia will be unveiled o Saturday.... more
Date : 4/16/2014 Number of Visits : 555
Scots Put Prophet’s Teachings into Action

Scots Put Prophet’s Teachings into Action

A group of Scottish Muslims are taking Da`wah to a new level in their locality by putting the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) into action to tackle social injustices and give young Muslims a platform to volunteer and help the needy in ...... more
Date : 4/16/2014 Number of Visits : 719
Hand-written Quran Copy Attributed to Imam Ali (AS) to Be Published

Hand-written Quran Copy Attributed to Imam Ali (AS) to Be Published

A hand-written copy of the Holy Quran said to have been inscribed by Imam Ali (AS) is to be published in Najaf, Iraq.... more
Date : 4/13/2014 Number of Visits : 738
University of Melbourne Hosting Monthly Seminar on Quranic Studies

University of Melbourne Hosting Monthly Seminar on Quranic Studies

The National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies, University of Melbourne, is presenting monthly seminars on the Quran and Quranic Studies.... more
Date : 4/12/2014 Number of Visits : 860
Deadline Extended for Submitting Papers to Int’l Quranic Conference

Deadline Extended for Submitting Papers to Int’l Quranic Conference

The deadline for submitting papers to the 8th International Conference of Quranic Researches has been extended to April 19.... more
Date : 4/12/2014 Number of Visits : 960
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Number of Cases : 531