Henri Lammens

Henri Lammens

Starting in 1903 he taught Islamic history at the Oriental Studies Department at Saint Joseph University in Beirut. In 1907 he went to the Jesuit-run universities in Egypt at Cairo and Alexandria to do the same, and returned to Beirut in 1919.... more
Date : 3/8/2016 Number of Visits : 2338
David Samuel Margoliouth

David Samuel Margoliouth

Many of his works on the history of Islam became the standard treatises in English, including Mohammed and the Rise of Islam (1905), The Early Development of Mohammedanism (1914), and The Relations Between Arabs and Israelites Prior to the Rise of Islam (1924).... more
Date : 3/8/2016 Number of Visits : 2094
Theodor Nöldeke

Theodor Nöldeke

Nöldeke’s range of studies were wide and varied, but the main focus of his work has followed the two lines indicated by his prize essay, Semitic languages, and the history and civilization of Islam.... more
Date : 3/7/2016 Number of Visits : 2665
Gregor Schoeler

Gregor Schoeler

Schoeler was born in Germany in 1944. He majored in Islamic studies and Semitic languages at the University of Marburg, Goethe University Frankfurt and University of Giessen.... more
Date : 3/7/2016 Number of Visits : 1182
Herbert Berg

Herbert Berg

He is a Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and is the Director of the International Studies program.... more
Date : 3/7/2016 Number of Visits : 2142
Ignaz Goldziher

Ignaz Goldziher

Ignác (Yitzhaq Yehuda) Goldziher (22 June 1850 – 13 November 1921), often credited as Ignaz Goldziher, was a Hungarian scholar of Islam. Along with the German Theodor Nöldeke and the Dutch Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, he is considered the founder of modern Islamic studies in Europe. ...... more
Date : 3/7/2016 Number of Visits : 1944
Joseph Schacht

Joseph Schacht

Joseph Schacht was born into a Catholic family but, with a zeal for study, became at an early age a student in a Hebrew school. In Breslau and Leipizig he studied Semitic languages, Greek, and Latin, under famous professors, including Gotthelf Bergsträßer.... more
Date : 3/7/2016 Number of Visits : 2943
Hamid Algar

Hamid Algar

He received his formal training in Islamic studies at Cambridge University. In Berkeley he taught courses including tafsir, Sufism, Shi'ism, the history of Islam in Iran, Arabic, Persian and Turkish literature.... more
Date : 3/2/2016 Number of Visits : 1872
Jonathan A.C. Brown

Jonathan A.C. Brown

He has authored several books including Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenges and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy, Hadith: Muhammad... more
Date : 3/2/2016 Number of Visits : 3014
Wilferd Madelung

Wilferd Madelung

Madelung was Laudian Professor of Arabic at the University of Oxford from 1978 to 1998. He has written extensively on the early history of Islam, as well as on Islamic sects such as the Shi... more
Date : 3/1/2016 Number of Visits : 2831
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Number of Cases : 43