The Promise

The Promise

The promise is one of two bondages; and fulfilment of the promise is one of the two freedoms.... more
Date : 4/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1390
The Homeland

The Homeland

Wisdom in a foreign land makes one feel at home while silliness in the homeland is like estrangment therein.... more
Date : 4/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1279


Humbleness spreads virtue and haughtiness shows up vice.... more
Date : 4/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1335


Do not count as a friend one who does not give assistance [to others] with his wealth.... more
Date : 4/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1275


The root of piety is keeping away from sins, and restraining oneself from the forbidden.... more
Date : 3/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1294
The Desire

The Desire

Beware of having desires overcome your hearts, for their beginning is an enslavement and their end is ruin.... more
Date : 3/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1401


He whose sole concern is what enters his stomach, his worth is [equivalent to] what comes out of it.... more
Date : 3/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1344


He who follows his desires, it blinds him, deafens him, humiliates him, and leads him astray.... more
Date : 3/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1238
The Light

The Light

Increase your silence and your thoughts will flourish, your heart will enlighten, and people will be safe from your hands.... more
Date : 3/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1139


Beware of talebearing, for it plants enmity and distances one from Allah and people.... more
Date : 3/15/2017 Number of Visits : 1192
Page From 21
Number of Cases : 202