The virtues of the month of Rajab (1)

The virtues of the month of Rajab (1)

It should be known that the month of Rajab, along with the following two months of Shaban and Ramadan, have an absolute excellence and there are many hadith which mention their virtues.... more
Date : 2/25/2020 Number of Visits : 8046
Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA)'s Birth Anniversary Celebrated as Women's Day

Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA)'s Birth Anniversary Celebrated as Women's Day

Shia Muslims throughout the world, including Iran, held ceremonies on Sunday to celebrate the birth anniversary of Hazart Fatima-Zahra (SA) and Women... more
Date : 2/11/2020 Number of Visits : 7534
Light of the Divine Embodied in Hazrat Fatimah (SA)

Light of the Divine Embodied in Hazrat Fatimah (SA)

The light of the prophethood and the light of the divine is embodied in Fatimah (SA), a Lebanese university scholar said.... more
Date : 2/11/2020 Number of Visits : 2028
Auspicious Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Zainab

Auspicious Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Zainab

Sayyida Zainab is daughter of Imam Ali & Lady Fatima and the Greatest Messenger of the Hussaini Revolution. Shia was born in the holy city of Medinah on 5th Jamadi-ul-Awwal in the 5th year of Hijrah/627 A.D. Her Holiness became famous for her knowledge of ...... more
Date : 1/3/2020 Number of Visits : 3540
Prayers to increase spiritual health, happiness to society

Prayers to increase spiritual health, happiness to society

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei highlighted on Thursday the great advantages brought to people by performing prayers and stressed that prayers will bring security, spiritual health and happiness to the society.... more
Date : 12/12/2019 Number of Visits : 2526
Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA)

Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA)

Heartiest congratulations to you all on the auspicious occasion of the blessed birthday of the Messenger of Mercy, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).... more
Date : 11/10/2019 Number of Visits : 3292
Muhammad (SAWA) saved mankind by establishing New Civilization

Muhammad (SAWA) saved mankind by establishing New Civilization

In a message to the National Quranic Competition in Iran, Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani, a Shia source of emulation, asserted, “The miracle of Quran will continue to prove the righteousness of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAWA) doctrine in preaching Islam as after almost 15 centuries since the advent ...... more
Date : 11/10/2019 Number of Visits : 2178
30 Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Reza (AS)

30 Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Reza (AS)

On the Sad and Mourning occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Holy Prophet of Islam Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAWA), Imam Hasan Mujtaba(AS) and Imam Reza(AS) we extend our Heartfelt Grief and Condolences to the Millions Muslims and all the lovers of the Holy Ahlul Bayt(AS) ...... more
Date : 10/28/2019 Number of Visits : 4610
28th of Safar, the Day of Manifold Grief

28th of Safar, the Day of Manifold Grief

Today, the 28th of Safar is that sad day in the annals of history when the person whom the Holy Qur... more
Date : 10/28/2019 Number of Visits : 4493
Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Sajjad (AS)

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Sajjad (AS)

Imam Sajjad (A.S) was martyred by poisoning on 25th Moharrum in the year 95 A.H. at Madina and is buried at Baqi near his uncle Hasan (AS).... more
Date : 9/25/2019 Number of Visits : 11088
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Number of Cases : 632