The Two Realms of Life Released

The Two Realms of Life Released

Verily this world is the abode of truth for one who recognizes its truth. It is the abode of wellbeing for one who learns from it. It is the abode of riches for one who takes provisions from it for the afterlife. ...... more
Date : 8/31/2016 Number of Visits : 3229
Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 78 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 78 Released

Tawīl of hadith in the rational school of Mullā Ṣadrā: concept recognition and quality investigation Methodology of studying the traditions in the field of history of Islam and monotheistic religions in the light of interpretive method of al-Mīzān The orientalists and the Imamī hadith: categorization and analysis ...... more
Date : 8/20/2016 Number of Visits : 1868
70 New Books Unveiled at Dar al-Hadith Institute in Qom

70 New Books Unveiled at Dar al-Hadith Institute in Qom

The unveiling ceremony of 70 new books was held in the presence of Ayatullah Rayshahri and some city officials at Dar al-Hadith Institute in Qom... more
Date : 6/23/2016 Number of Visits : 2006
Launch of Dar al-Hadith international works in the middle of the Ramadan

Launch of Dar al-Hadith international works in the middle of the Ramadan

Hujjatulislam Sobhani-Nia said that disseminating teachings of the Quran and Hadith is a great success for anyone who acts in this way and would not be unrewarded.... more
Date : 6/20/2016 Number of Visits : 2499
Official Inauguration of on the 15th of Ramadan

Official Inauguration of on the 15th of Ramadan

Arts and Culture Deputy of Dar al-Hadith Institute announced the official inauguration of a website concerning the life and teachings the Prophet of Islam, may peace and blessings be upon him.... more
Date : 6/14/2016 Number of Visits : 2576
Ayatullah Husayni Bushehri: Ayatullah Rayshahri is the Kulayni of our time.

Ayatullah Husayni Bushehri: Ayatullah Rayshahri is the Kulayni of our time.

The first hadith festival of Thiqa al-Islam Kulayni was held in Qum. This event was organized in assistance with Specialized Center of Hadith Sciences, Hawza Hadith Association, and in cooperation with Management Center of Islamic Seminaries, Dar al-Hadith Institute and CRCIS.... more
Date : 5/19/2016 Number of Visits : 1883
The World Is Thirsty for the Ahl al-Bayt’s Fiqh

The World Is Thirsty for the Ahl al-Bayt’s Fiqh

Ayatullah Noori Hamedani as the key speaker of the Symposium said, “The world is thirsty for the Ahl al-Bayt’s Fiqh.”... more
Date : 3/3/2016 Number of Visits : 1762
Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 77 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 77 Released

Traditions of fasting on the Day of ‘Ashura: the real nature, types and analysis, Feasibility of presenting the ta’wīlī (interpretative) traditions to the Qur’an, Evaluation of traditions signifying that the Prophet (S) shook women... more
Date : 3/3/2016 Number of Visits : 1947
Symposium on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Dar al-Hadith Institute

Symposium on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Dar al-Hadith Institute

The Dar al-Hadith Scientific-Cultural Institute is the first independent Institute that is specialized in the sciences and researches of Hadith in the Shi’a World.... more
Date : 3/2/2016 Number of Visits : 2613
Preparatory Meeting of Sharif Murtada Conference Is to Be Held

Preparatory Meeting of Sharif Murtada Conference Is to Be Held

A Preparatory Meeting will be Held in respect to Sharif Murtada International Conference on Thursday -2016 07 January- in Dar al-Hadith, Qom.... more
Date : 1/6/2016 Number of Visits : 2488
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Number of Cases : 99