Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 72 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 72 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) is the first academic journal in the field of hadith scholarship and its related disciplines.... more
Date : 3/28/2015 Number of Visits : 1699
A Brief Review of Sayyid Murtada’s Life and Personality

A Brief Review of Sayyid Murtada’s Life and Personality

Sayyid Murtada Abu al-Qasim Ali ibn Abu Ahmad al-Husayn ibn Musa ibn Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Ibrahim ibn Musa ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Abi TalibPBUH, was born In Rajab, 355 AH / 965 AD, in Karkh neighborhood, Bagdad... more
Date : 2/18/2015 Number of Visits : 14193
The 18th Edition of Encyclopedia of Medical Hadiths Released

The 18th Edition of Encyclopedia of Medical Hadiths Released

Dar al-Hadith Publications releases the 18th Edition of Mawsu`t al-Ahadith al-Tibbiyah (Encyclopedia of Medical Hadiths) by Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri with the collaboration of Morteza Khoshnasib, Mohammad Taqi Sobhani-niya, Rasul Ofoqi, Ahmad Sa`adatfar,... more
Date : 1/17/2015 Number of Visits : 2152
Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 71 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 71 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) is the first academic journal in the field of hadith scholarship and its related disciplines.... more
Date : 1/1/2015 Number of Visits : 1463
Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 70 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 70 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) is the first academic journal in the field of hadith scholarship and its related disciplines.... more
Date : 11/20/2014 Number of Visits : 3355
Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 69 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 69 Released

... more
Date : 10/23/2014 Number of Visits : 1115
Abu Jarud’s Exegesis of the Quran Released

Abu Jarud’s Exegesis of the Quran Released

This exegesis which has been attributed to Imam al-Baqir (a.s) is in fact a collection of Imam al-Baqir’s exegetical traditions collected by Abu Jarud.... more
Date : 8/19/2014 Number of Visits : 1184
Call for Papers

Call for Papers

International Conference in Commemoration of the Millennium Anniversary of Sayyid Murtada Alam al-Huda (965 - 1044 AD; 355-436 AH)... more
Date : 8/10/2014 Number of Visits : 1279
Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 68 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 68 Released

... more
Date : 7/6/2014 Number of Visits : 1505
Page From 10
Number of Cases : 99