Imam Rida - Page 3

152 - فضائلُه‏

152. His Virtues

468.الهَرَويّ : جِئتُ إلى بابِ الدّارِ الّتي حُبِسَ فيها الرِّضا عليه السلام بِسَرَخْسَ وقد قُيِّدَ ، فاسْتَأذَنتُ علَيهِ السَّجّانَ فقالَ : لا سَبيلَ لَكُم إلَيهِ ، فقلتُ : ولِمَ؟ قالَ : لأنّه رُبَّما صلّى‏ في يَومِهِ وليلَتِهِ ألفَ رَكعةٍ ، وإنّما يَنْفَتِلُ مِن صَلاتِهِ ساعةً في صدرِ النّهارِ وقَبلَ الزّوالِ وعندَ اصْفِرارِ الشَّمسِ ، فهُوَ في هذهِ الأوقاتِ قاعِدٌ في مُصَلّاهُ يُناجي ربَّهُ . قالَ : فقُلتُ لَه : فاطْلُبْ لِي في هذِه الأوقاتِ إذْناً علَيهِ ، فاسْتأذَنَ لِي علَيهِ ، فدَخَلتُ علَيهِ وهُو قاعِدٌ في مُصلّاه مُتَفكِّرٌ .1

468. al-Harawi narrated, 'I went to the door of the place in Sarkhas where al-Rida was being held captive in chains. I sought permission from the jailor [to visit him] and he said, 'There is no way that you will be able to see him.' I asked, 'Why?' He replied, 'Because he sometimes offers one thousand prayers in the space of one day and night. He stops praying for a while at daybreak, before noon and before sunset. During these times he sits on his prayer mat and converses intimately with his Lord.' I said to him, 'Then request him to grant me permission during these times'. So he asked permission for me [to visit]. I entered and he was sitting on his prayer mat meditating.' 2

469.إبراهيمُ بنُ العبّاسِ : ما رَأيتُ أبا الحَسَنِ الرّضا عليه السلام جَفا أحَداً بِكَلِمَةٍ قَطُّ وَلا رَأيتُهُ قَطَعَ عَلى أحَدٍ كَلامَهُ حَتَّى يَفرُغَ مِنهُ ، وَمارَدَّ أحَداً عَن حاجَةٍ يَقدِرُ عَلَيها وَلا حَدَّ رِجلَهُ بَينَ يَدَي جَليسٍ لَهُ قَطُّ وَلا اتَّكى‏ بَينَ يَدَي جَليسٍ لَهُ قَطُّ ، وَلا رَأيتُهُ شَتَمَ أحَداً مِن مَواليهِ وَمَماليكِهِ قَطُّ ، وَلا رَأيتُهُ تَفَلَ وَلا رَأيتُهُ يُقَهقِهُ في ضِحكِهِ قَطُّ ، بَل كانَ ضِحكُهُ التَّبَسُّمُ ، وَكانَ إذا خَلا وَنَصَبَ مائِدَتَهُ أجلَسَ مَعَهُ عَلى مائِدَتِهِ مَماليكَهُ وَمَواليهِ حَتَّى البَوّابَ السّائِسَ .3

469. Ibrahim b. al-Abbas narrated, 'I have never seen Abu al-Hasan al-Rida (AS) hurt anybody with something he said, nor have I ever seen him interrupt anyone until he had finished, nor refuse to do someone a favour that he was able to do, nor did he ever stretch his legs before anyone sitting with him, nor lean against something while his companion did not, nor did he ever insult any of his servants or workers. And I have never seen him spit or burst into laughter; rather, his laughter was just a smile. When he was ready to eat and the table had been laid, he seated with him at the table all his servants, including the doorman and the stableboy.' 4

1.بحار الأنوار : ۴۹ / ۹۱ / ۵ .

2.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۴۹, p. ۹۱, no. ۵

3.عيون أخبار الرضا : ۲ / ۱۸۴ / ۷ .

4.Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), v. ۲, p. ۱۸۴, no. ۷

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