ABSTRACTS No. 16 - Page 226

In explanation of the manner of falsifying hadiths, mention is made of literal and semantic manpulation of hadiths, done at the instance of Mucawiyya.
With regard to the polities of forging hadiths, the main attempts of Mucawiyya, some such hadiths are mentioned. They are concerned with the virtues of the Ummayds, Mucawiyya, and the justification of monarchy.

Isabel Fierro:

The Introduction of Hadith in al-Andalus (2nd/ 8th-3rd/9th Centuries)

Muhammad-Kazim Rahmati(tr.)
The aim of this article is to study when the hadith literature and the cilm al-hadith were first introduced into al-Andalus, who the protagonists of this.
introduction were and what the relationshi pbetween the Andalusian ahl al-ra'y and ahl al-hadith was. This study is organised in the following way:
I. Awa'il dealing with the introduction of hadith into al-Andalus
1. First phase
1.1 Mucawiya b. Salih and Sacsaca b.Sallam (c.second half 2nd/8th century)
1.2 'Abd al-Malik b. Habib (first half 3rd/9th century)
2. Second phase
2.1 Baqi b. Makhlad (d.276/889)
2.2. Muhammad b. Waddah (d.286/900)
II. The confrontation between the ahl al-ra'y and the ahl al-hadith
1. The persecution of the traditionists
2. The controversy on raf cal-yadayn fi al-salat
3. The coexistence of the ahl al-ra'y and the ahl al-hadith

Sayyid Mustapha Matbacachi- Isfahani:

A Report of Dar al-Hadith al-Hasaniyyah in Rabat.

Dar al-Hadith al-Hasaniyyah is one of academic and cultural institutes which was established by Hasan II, the late King of Morocco in 1388/1968. It is administered under the supervision of the Royal Court. The aim of establishing this state institute is to pay special attention to hadith sciences and to educate the right researchers who would pursue the academic life of great hadith transmitters and ulema in Moracco. The present report introduces this institute.
The Dar al-Hadith building is losated in Rabat. It has MA and phD programmes in two-and four-year periods, respectively, with two orientations, namely (1) Quran and hadith scienees, and (2) fiqh, usul al-fiqh, and Islamic doctrines. Students who have completed a BA Honours degree in such disciplines as Arabic literature, Islamic

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