ABSTRACTS No. 18 - Page 236

Muhammad-Rida Bandarchi:

Mulla Salih Rowghani-Qazvini: A Great Exegete of the Nahj al-Balagha.

Muhammad-Salih Qazvini, better known as Rowghani, (d.1116/1704), was a Safavid era scholar and one of the disciples of Mir Damad. Born at Qazvin, he lived in Isfahan for some time, and then went to Mashad and lived there for good and all. Proficient in letters, theosophy, mysticism, and history, he was also a skillful translator.
Among his works, the following can be mentioned: an exegesis of the Nahj al-Balagha, Barakat al-Mashhad al-Muqaddas, translations of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, Imam Ali’s Epistle to Malik b. Harith al-Ashtar, Al-Muhadarat of Raghib Isfahani, Tawhid al-Mufaddal, and Kunuz al- cIrfan wa Rumuz Ashab al- ’Iqan, a work devoted to explicate Book Four of the Mathnawi of Mawlawi. Also the writer did extensive research on some of Mulla Salih’s works, e.g. the last one mentioned.
The most notable work of Mulla Salih is his exegesis on the Nahj al-Balagha; a work which Allamah Tehrani regards it as the most useful exegesis on the Nahj al-Balagha. This Persian exegesis includes a translation of the text, indication of the citations, parables, poems, historical points, and ethical rules.

cAbdullah Baqiri-Bidhandi:

Arbaciniyyat on the Virtues of Imam cAli.

Compiling books or treaties of forty hadiths, or translating and explaining fourty hadiths, has been one of the most long standing activities among Muslim ulema (for further information, see cUlum-i Hadith [Hadith Seiences], no. 14,p.139). A large portion of such writings are concerned with the hadiths on the virtues of the Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt [Viz. the infalliable members of the Prophet’s house].
Among the Shiite and Sunnite arbaciniyyat [i.e.forty-hadith collections], a Considerable portion is concerned with the virtues of Imam cAli. These hadiths are mostly prophetic, but sometimes in the Shiite ones, some talk of the superiorities, honours, and records of Imam cAli in his mouth or the Imams after him. The article contains a bibliography of seventy-Seven books, manuscript and printed, on the virtues of Imam cAli.

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