ABSTRACTS No. 37-38 - Page 270


Harald Motski

Translated by: Morteza Kariminia

Hadith Scholarship in the West

In this paper, the author tries to review different standpoints regarding hadith scholarship either from the Western scholars or Muslims. To do this task, at first he introduces the most important issues and scientific discussions discussed by different groups of hadith scholars with different tendencies in the two recent centuries. Rendering a brief introduction, he has come up with the origin of transmission of hadith within which the following issues are investigated: origin of new hadith studies, its historicity, and methods of recording and relating hadith. In the next chapter, he points to the origin and authenticity of documents under the title of Isnad in the Islamic and Western studies. In the third chapter is concerned with the methods of analysis and historicity of hadith.
Keywords: Hadith, Orientalists, Relating Hadith, Hadith Authenticity, historicity, Hadith analysis.

Ehsan Sorkhehi

Masail Books in Hadith Transcriptions

Masail books are collections of questions and answers which are generally of fiqh (jurisprudence) origin. These questions has been asked from Infallible Imams, peace be upon them by the author of the book or sometimes by another narrator and recorded in these collections.
In the present article, the author mentions the names of a few narrators who have written Masail books. Ali bn Jafar's Masail book is one of them.
Author of the present article also renders a brief biographical account of Ali bn

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