ABSTRACTS No. 37-38 - Page 272

Mohammad Ali Mahdavi Rad

Alavi's Written Heritage

After the holy Prophet passed away, compiling and transmitting the Prophetic tradition faced with many problems.
Imam Ali, peace be upon him, emphasized on writing, transmitting, and reporting the Prophetic tradition, but after the holy Prophet the situation changed.
In this article, the author at first presents some speeches from Imam Ali on the necessity of writing, recording, compiling, and disseminating hadith and then tries to report the Alavi's written heritage which has been written in order to record and safeguard the holy Prophet's heritage.
Keywords: Hadith, Narrations, Writing Hadith, Disseminating Hadith, Prohibition of Recording Hadith.

Asghar Hadawi

Asking Opinions of Students of Tehran Universities on the Quran and Hadith

Aiming at detemining the students approach to the Quran and Hadith, this experimental survey has been done.
this study shows that the studnts approach to the Quran and Hadith are positive.
they were interested in activities in the Quran and Hadith societies. they had some objections to the method of teaching and offerd their views on utilizing new technology in educational system.
the author of this study also renders his opinion for improvements the Quran and Hadith educational system according to the toda?s needs of students.
Keywords: the Holy Quran, Hadith, Interpretation, Students Interpretation, Islamic societies of students.

Mohammad Ehsanifar

In Defense and Criticism of Hadith:

Theoretical and Practical Approaches

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