ABSTRACTS No. 45-46 - Page 307

nor ambiguity and indefiniteness of the Imam's occultation. This wonder is the outcome of the Shia's apathy towards hadiths which have been issued during the first and third century and have been transmitted in a lot of usul and hadith books generation by generation, studying the hadiths of the tenth chapter that contains more than one fifth of Numani's al-Ghayba we can demonstrate the spiritual occurrence of the Imam's occultation. Therefore ambiguity and indefiniteness of the Imam's occultation, after the martyrdom of the elevent Imam, has no scientific base.
Key words: Hadiths concerning Mahdiism, Occultation, Numani's al-Ghayba, Spiritual Occurrence.

Sayyid Ali Aqaee

Allama Mohammad Taqi Shooshtari's Methodology in Criticism of the Fabricated Hadith: A Review of the Booh al-Akhbar al-dakhila

In the present paper, the author analyses and verifies the Allama Shooshtari's views in criticism of fabricated hadiths(in the second chapter of al-Akhbar al-Dakhila) and classifies the principles and methods of criticism of fabricated hadiths which have been presented by Allama Shooshtari and cites an example for every one of them. Of course the author has made his best to choose the best and most clarified examples and avoid mentioning the repeated ones as far as possible. While reviewing ahadith, Allama Shooshtariused to view them from different perspectives and utilize various criteria for criticism of fabricated hadiths.
Key words: Fabricated Hadiths, Methodology, Allama Shooshtari, Document, Criticism.

James Robson

Isnad in Islamic Hadith

Translated by Murteza Shooshtari

Isnad is one of the outstanding features of Arabic texts and also the most important element of hadith. In this text, first you find the words of Muslim scholars about the importance of Isnad and then a survey of views presented by some western scholars in this regard. The origin and development of Isnad is another issue which is dealt with in this paper. Criticism of views presented by some orientalists especially those of Schacht on Isnad are the main topics of this paper. Some examples of Ibn Ishaq are displayed to show the method of presenting the old Isnads among the later generation of hadith scholars.
Key words: Isnad, The Origin and Development, Orientalists, Authenticity.

Dr. Yunes Farahmand

Writing Barnamaj and Wadi Ashi's al-Barnamaj

The present text is a survey of writing Barnamaj as the famous method for writing biographies in the west of the Islamic world. Writing Barnamaj is the outcome of Muslim's concentration on hearing as a general method of learning used in Islamic civilization. Aiming at documenting their hadiths, they tried to record the name of their teachers and methods of receiving hadith and also chain of documents in books often titled as Barnamaj or Fehreseh. After a brief review of Barnamaj books, the author reviews the Wadi Ashi's al-Barnamaj and while explaining the methods of compiling Barnamaj books, he concludes that in the light of these works, the history of Islamic education and syllabus and the most important of all, the history of transmitting sciences from one part to other parts of the world of Islam is recognized exactly.
Key words: Writing Barnamaj, Methodology, Islamic Education and Syllabus.

Hasan Asgharpoor

An Introduction to the Manaqib Writing

A remarkable portion of our hadith heritage is formed by manaqib and virtues of the infallible Imams. This group of hadith speaks of superiority of an individual or a group over other individuals or groups. Common sense and man's pure instinct always confirms the superiority of afzal over mafzul. Therefore from the early Islam, they have have tried to present the virtues and manaqib of the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them. Since the issue of manaqib and virtues prepared a suitable ground for forgers to forge hadiths. This unpleasant phenomenon has polluted a fraction of hadith heritage in this regard. In the history of Islam, many authors have written and compiled books on the merits of the infallible Imams and the bad behaviors of their enemies. As a result, there are variousand different views in writing of manaqibs as there are in other fields. In this paper we discuss the above mentioned issues.
Key words: Virtues, Merits, The Infallible Imams, Writing Manaqib.

Hadi Rabbani

Difficulties of Translation of Religious Texts:

A Report of the Symposium

A couple of days ago, the Half-day Symposium for the Translation of Rligious Texts, Purposes, Impairments, and Necessities held by the Research Center of Hadith Sciences and Teachings. In this symposium, experts of this field spoke of the meaning of translation, translation pathology, standard method of translation, problems of the existing translations, and types of translation in the field of religious texts. They also presented some suggestions such as compilation of reference books concerning the translation of religious texts, translation workshops, and preparation of technical principles for translation of religious texts. The present paper is a content-wise report of the above mentioned symposium.
Key words: Translation of Religious Texts, Obligations and Impairments.

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