ABSTRACTS No. 49-50 - Page 427

These discussions have roots in those hadiths which introduce Harut and Marut as angels who commit sins on the Earth and as a result have been transformed into Venus. These hadiths have raised important questions in this regard: How did they commit these sins while they were infallible? Why they have been transformed into Venus while Venus existed from the early days of creation? This article first investigates hadiths concerning Harut and Marut in tafsirs, hadith collections and etc. then it deals with the Sunni and Shii hadiths in this regard. Key Words: Harut and Marut, Venus, Transform, Infallibility of Angels, Hadith Criticism of Text and Document.

Examples of Eloquence in Nahj al-Balagha

Based on the Commentary of Ibn Abi al-Hadid

Ali Akbar Furati

Since the most important characteristics of Nahj al-Balagha is its eloquence, studying its style is of high impotance. Ibn Abi al-Hadid approaches this eminent book in his commentary from eloquence perspective. Thus the author of the present paper tries to briefly display some patterns of eloquence in Ibn Abi al-Hadid’s commentary of Nahj al-Balagha. Key Words: Nahj al-Balagha, Commentary of Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Eloquence, Arab Custom.

Hadiths on Breastfeeding Period and Their Applicability to Experimental Sciences

Farzaneh Mohammadzadeh

Mahdi Mehrizi

Afsaneh Mohammadzadeh

Religion is centered around man and his happiness which also depends on his health. Breastfeeding Period is a very important period of human life. A baby, who has a suitable feeding in his early life, will obtain full growth and will be a vigorous and vivid person in future. The more one obeys divine orders, the healthier is his body and soul. In this paper, hadiths about breastfeeding have been studied and after comprising with experimental sciences, they are divided into four part based on their indications. The first part deals with this issue as the experimental sciences do e.g. the importance of breastfeeding. The second part is concerned with recommendations about continuation of

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