ABSTRACTS No. 54 - Page 231

Key Words: Rectification of Hadith Document, Correction of Method, Allama Hilli, Sahih Tradition.

Mahmood Karimi Ph.D.

Saeed Tawusi Masrur

An Investigation of Rijal Views of Sunnis about Jabir Ju`fi

Jaber ibn Yazid Ju`fi, a great Shi`i scholar of the second half of the first century and the first half of second century, was one of the famous and reliable companions of Imam Baqir and Imam sadiq, peace be upon them. He narrated from some famous teachers and had some outstanding students from Sunni people. Hence Jabir Ju`fi was always highly spoke of among the Sunni people but from past to present, Sunni rijal scholars have often analyzed him and considered his narrations as unreliable. The most important reasons for criticizing Jabir by the Sunni scholars are as follows: belief in returning, extremism in Shi`a school of thought, telling odd things, insanity, telling lies and misrepresenting, and etc. Key Words: Jabir bn Yazid Ju`fi, Sunnite, Imami Shi`a, Rijal, Exageration.

Leila Hooshangi

Transmission and Narration, Prohibition of Writing, Compiling, and Editing

For the first time, Hurwitz recognized the relationship between Hadith and Quran the same as the relationship between oral tradition and written one. Islamic scholars didn’t admit this theory. Some of them (especially Goldziher) resoundingly rejected it. To Goldziher, hadith exited in written form and debates on writing hadith was merely a theoretical issue. According to the research done in the time of Hurwits, Jewish oral tradition was considered as merely oral for centuries. Now we know that it was a wrong consideration. The author of the present paper, in the light of results of new research on Talmud and historical analysis of old hadith sources, tries to make a comparison between them in more details. In two primary parts of this paper, he verifies the methods of note-taking in Jewish and Islamic traditions and compares the methods of transmitting of religious teachings in both of them. In part three, the author deals with the formation of early hadith collections and methods of compiling them.in next part, he has a critical view of opinions presented by scholars who are in favor of writing hadith or against it in the light of their political and social conditions. Key Words: Talmud Narration, Hadith Narration, Prohibition of Writing Hadith, Compiling Hadith, Document Analysis of Hadith.

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