ABSTRACTS No. 57 - Page 243


Mohammad Mohammadi Rayshari

Knowledge, Light, Insight:
Reflection of Quranic Concepts in Islamic Hadith

The author of the present paper views concepts such as knowledge, light, and insight from the Quranic perspective and gives a definition for each of them through the verses of the Holy Quran. He also points out to definitions presented by hadith in regard to these concepts. Putting these definitions (definitions derived from the verses of the Holy Quran and hadiths of the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them) together, the author concludes that these concepts have common meanings and are equivalent in connotations.
Key Words: Knowledge, Light, Insight, Intellect, Reason, Moral Ethics, Relation between the Quran and Hadith.

Sayyid Mahmud Tayyeb Hosseini Ph.D

Tanzil and Tawil in Definition of Rasikhun fi'l `Ilm

Knowledge of muhkam and mutashabih (implicit and explicit verses of the Holy Quran) is one of the important issues of the Quranic sciences and also effective in tafsir (exegesis of the holy Quran). It is concerned with the seventh verse of Chapter Family of Imran. Different views presented by exegetes about conjunctive waw -- which some regard it as waw'l-'atf (copulative conjunction), and some as waw'l-isti'naf, (i.e., it commences a sentence, and is therefore preceded by a full stop) -- and consequently explanation about the purpose of rasikhun fi'l `Ilm and their knowledge or lack of knowledge of interpretation of the mutashabih (implicit) verses. Notable is that we have two contradictory hadiths one of them requiring rasikhun's knowledge and the other one requiring their lack of knowledge of interpretation of the mutashabih verses. There are a few ways to resolve this contradiction. Pointing to the inefficiency of these ways, the author of this paper tries to resolve this contradiction in a different way. He differentiates between the tanzili (revelation) and tawili (interpretation) connotations. Both hadiths are interpreted based on tawili and besides them a third meaning based on tanzil (i.e. Najran Critians).

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