ABSTRACTS No. 57 - Page 245

Found in Translations and Commentaries

It so happened that Zahaak bin Qays Fahri was sent to Makkah by Mu'awiya (in 38 A.H.) with a force of guerrillas to ravage the city. Imam Ali (a) had sent Hujr bin Adi Kindi to defend the city of Makkah. Hujr defeated Zahaak. Aqil at that time was in Makkah. He wrote to Imam Ali (a) offering his voluntary services saying that the Quraysh were not sincerely serving the cause of Islam and were bent upon the enmity of Imam Ali (a). In reply Imam Ali (a) wrote this letter to his brother Aqil.
Key Words: Imam Ali, peace be upon him, Ravages, Zahaak bin Qays Fahri, Basr bn Artah, Letter 36 of Nahjul Balagh.

Mahnaz Qodrati Qareh Qeshlaqi

Mahdi Mehrizi

Touchstone of Piety

The purpose of the present paper is to consider the touchstone of piety in hadiths with a religious approach to characteristics and elements of piety in a Muslim. To reach this goal, the authors have utilized Shia and Sunni hadith sources and extracted the elements that have been introduced as the touchstone of pity in narrations. Evaluating man’s behavior and conduct through theses elements will determine the level of his or her adherence or lack of adherence to the tenets of Islam.
Key Words: Piety, Touchstone of Piety, Islam, Faith, Belief, Shia.

Ahmad Gholamali

The Holy Quran and Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah: Common Themes

Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya is the oldest and most reliable prayer manual of Shia. Since there are some weaknesses in the chain of documents of this book, some questions have been raised concerning the accuracy of attribution of Sahifa to Imam Sajjad, peace be upon him. There are different ways to answer these questions. The author of the present paper views it from a text analysis perspective and presents it to the Holy Quran in order to verify its reliability. He also comes up with allusions and other literary devices and exegetical points and apparent incongruency with the Holy Quran.
Key Words: Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah,

Sayyid Mostafa Ahmadzadeh

A Survey of Hadith Scholarship on Arbaeen Hadith

Among hadiths narrated from the holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, on memorizing and writing hadith, there is a famous hadith which is known by hadith scholars as Arbaeen (Forty Hadiths). It played a significant role in dissemination of forty hadiths books. Relying on hadiths and verses of the holy Quran as well as Islamic culture and history, the author of the present paper deals with semiotics of Arbaeen. After mentioning different types of fort hadiths, he comes up with the analysis of isnad (chain of documents) and refers to Sahifa Imam Rida, peace be upon him, and demonstrates the reliability of it. The final section of this paper is concerned with its hadith scholarship especially on the different meanings of hifz and answering the raised questions.
Key Words: History of Hadith, Forty Hadith Books, Arbaeen, Hadith Scholarship.

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