ABSTRACTS No. 62 - Page 231

explores the literature and influencing factors of letters.
Key Words: Global Mission, the Invitation Letter, the Prophet Muhammad
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Hadith of Regret

Mohammad Allahakbari

According to a hadith first Caliph express his deep regret in the final years of his life for three things which he did but should not have done: "the first he should not have opened the house of Fatima, peace be upon her, the second he should not have ordered Faja'a Salmi to be burnt alive and the third thing was that he should not have accepted the caliphate "and three things which he did not but should have done: "he should have killed Ashath bn Qays, he should have stayed in Dhilqissa when army deployed to war with ridda people, he should have sent `Umar to conquer Iraq" and should have asked three questions of the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him:" Who is entitled to the caliphate?, Do Ansar have interest in the public treasury? How is a sister's inheritance from her brother and aunt?" This paper views this hadith from different perspectives: content, documents, resources, hadith reports, ways of hadith transmission, outcomes of hadith adequacy, verification, it's evolution through additions and omissions based on Shia and Sunni sources. The author of the present paper also deals with the views of rijal scholars, hadith scholars and historians about its document and content.
Key Words: First Caliph, Regret Hadith, Hadith Criticism
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Reinvestigation of Common Hadith
Texts in Shiite and Sunni Sources

Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Hakim

The Quran and Sunnah in Islamic discussions is the main axis of thought and science. Synchronization of religious men's thoughts, in these two areas, is of high importance and impact. There are many discussions concerning the Holy Quran and its distinctive place in the idea of approximation among Islamic scholars. However less attention has been paid to the domain of tradition though hadith as the second pillar of Islamic thought apart from its importance is of high capabilities in these areas. The author of the present paper views an aspect of hadith which is less viewed by the public that is "common texts of hadith" so that through its crystallization; the status, role and function of tradition in discussions of approximation is more seriously

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