ABSTRACTS No. 64 - Page 237

the borrowing. The author of the present paper, mentioning some introductory points, explores some types of these manifestations so that the reader can somewhat get familiar with the motivations and blessings of this borrowing.
Key Words: Adaptation, Hadith Supplication, the Quran in Duas, Literary Figures.

Functions of "Adjustment" in Exegetical Traditions

Mahdi Rostam Nejad

Words of Infallible Imams - rooted in revelation knowledge - enjoy features such as isharat, maarid, and mahasin. This paper has attempted to show that one of the most effective ways to detect and identify these features is to compare their exegetical hadiths with exegetical quotations of their companions and followers. A comparative look at it, besides the clarification of distinctions between innocent and non-innocent remarks, makes it easy for seekers of truth to judge them, in the balance of reason and science, new horizons is opened before them in understanding the legitimacy and authenticity of Ahlul Bayt. Mentioning some examples, the author of the present paper explains the most important advantages and benefits of this approach. Some of the consequences of this approach are: return to scientific interaction between Islamic schools in the field of hadith and tafsir, enrichment of knowledge and the dissemination of the teachings and sciences of the Prophet’s household, may peace and blessings be upon them.
Key Words: Exegetical Traditions, Comparative Exegesis, the Prophet’s Household, Companions’ Exegesis, the Followers’ Exegesis.

A Critical Review of Theory of Refinement of Authentic Hadith Source from Traditions of Taqiyya

Hasanali Akhlaqi Amiri

Dr. Mohammad Hassan Haeri

Taqiyya (Dissimulation) and its related issues have been of special importance over the history of Shia. Various arguments have been done in this regard. Theory of removing traditions of taqiyya from hadith books especially reliable books such as al-Kafi, Manla Yahzarah al-Faqih, Tahdib al-Ahkam, al-Istibsar, Wasail al-Shia and etc. by the Companions and hadith scholars is one of the approaches that traditionally have been attributed to some of the elders since the late owner of Jawahir, according to his defense,

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