An Analysis on the Methods of Upbringing Children
Scholars have introduced four methods for upbringing children, and a further fifth point can be found by studying the Islamic sources. They are as follows:
1- The upbringing method based on strictness
Children who were raised with this upbringing method which was mainly practiced by the old and previous generations would not feel any love and affection, and it would often result in anxiety, depression, stress and, at times, even suicide. However, this strictness could cause the child to become responsible and hard working. Parents do not show affection to their children for fear that they may become spoiled. They believe that any praise and admiration can lead to selfishness of the child.
2- The upbringing method based on kindness and lack of strictness
This method which was formed in reaction to the first method leads the child to become spoiled, morally weak, dependant, demanding and childish. Moreover, they will lack resistance, patience against difficulties and would face problems in their family and social lives. Such children do not sense lack of affection and the parents who adopt this method tend to assume their children are right. They give to the child whatever he likes and try to avoid anything that displeases him. In this method, the parents believe that the children are always right, and whatever a child wants must be given to him and we must not upset him in any way.
3- The upbringing method based on lack of kindness and lack of strictness:
This upbringing method trains children, who are entangled with sentimental disorder due to not receiving affection, and as