CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah

Some Words about Sex Education

Like all other aspects of the human being, sexual instinct is something that is in need of training, and every culture and ideology has a particular view about this kind of upbringing and education. From the viewpoint of Islam, sex education means providing the grounds of growth and education of the sexual drive in a manner that both sexual chastity is achieved and so is sexual wellbeing. This is one of the features of the viewpoint of religion that besides the sexual wellbeing of a person and his health, it also focuses on the aspect of sexual chastity.
Another important point is that the attempts to acquire these goals are not subject to reaching the age of puberty. According to religious teachings, sex education begins before the age of puberty and it starts from a very young age. Therefore, obtaining these goals in any age is in need of certain particular procedures and plans, and these are referred to in religious texts. The childhood period is the most important stage of life, and any mistake can lead to some irreparable future consequences.

Necessary Planning for Sexual Chastity

Some families do not pay enough attention to the sexual affairs of their children for the reason that they think their children are still too young, even though many of the things that children see or hear have a determining impact on their sexual behavior in future. The sexual chastity and deviation both develop in childhood, and it should not be forgotten that learning in the childhood period is very effective. Whatever a child learns will be fixed and established in him like a carving on a stone, and whatever is given to him he accepts. This is why Islam has paid attention to this part of the child’s life and it

CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah
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    CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah
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