CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah

the sexual perversion of the child and brings about sexual irregularity. Some Islamic narrations refer to this kind of playing as a branch of adultery, and such a harsh expression indicates the severe negative effect on the child. Therefore, in religious texts this action has been prohibited.

D- Separation of beds:

The use of one bed for grown up children to sleep may result in inappropriate bodily contact, premature sexual stimulation, and even lead to unlawful relationships. One of the plans of religion for preventing this impediment is the separation of sleeping arrangements between brothers and sisters and boys and girls.

E- Avoiding sexual contacts of the parents in front of the children:

The children’s awareness of the parents’ sexual relations is one of the factors that lead to sexual deviation. From the viewpoint of Islamic traditions, this practise has almost a certain and undeniable negative effect, and to prevent this, two solutions have been given: the child asking permission by the child to enter into the parents’ room and their privacy, and the second is avoiding to practise any sexual contact in the presence of children.

CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah

has introduced some useful practical instructions which will be briefly pointed out here:

A- Covering the private parts:

Looking at the private parts of a child and a child looking at the private parts of adults can be discussed from both a jurisprudential and an upbringing point of view. From a jurisprudential point of view, it is not forbidden for a child to look at the private parts of an adult. It is also permissible for an adult to look at the private parts of a child, as long it is not a lustful look. However, the effects of covering and exposing cannot be ignored. The child looking at other people’s private parts or others looking at his private parts belittles the vulgarity of this action and brings about negligence and makes indecency something normal. However, children who have not encountered these issues have higher resistance against sexual deviation and enjoy a higher level of chastity. Therefore, it is mentioned in religious texts that it is recommended that one should not look at a child’s private parts nor should he be allowed to look at the private parts of others, and also not to take children into the bathroom in a way that private parts are exposed.

B- Kissing of a Child by a Non-Mahram:

Even though it is not jurisprudentially prohibited for a child to be kissed by a non-mahram, but it does have a clear negative effect on a grown up child (who distinguishes between good and bad). Such things are recorded in the mind of a child and might be grounds for establishing relations with non-mahrams in the future, making it difficult for him to observe chastity. Therefore, it is recommended that adults should not kiss children who are not mahram to them.

C- Reproaching the playing with a child’s private parts:

Playing with the sexual organs of a child may cause sexual stimulation and also premature puberty of the child. It leads to

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    CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah
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