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The Children’s Entertainment Place
394. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Indeed, soil is the child’s place of entertainment.”1
395. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “I love children for five things: first, they cry a lot; second, they play with soil; third, they hate without malice; fourth, they do not store anything for the next day; fifth, they build something and then they ruin it.”2
1.. al-Mu‘jam al-Kabir, vol. ۶, p. ۱۴۰, h. ۵۷۷۵, narrating from Sahl ibn Sa‘d. Kanz al-‘Ummāl, vol. ۱۶, p. ۴۵۸, h. ۴۵۴۳.
2.. al-Mawā‘iz al-‘Adadiyah, p. ۲۵۹.