CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah

An explanation about a child greeting elders

Based on the traditions mentioned in regard to the upbringing of the children, one of the methods of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.) was greeting children. He has explicitly said that by this behavior he wanted this custom to continue in the society. He (s.a.w.) said: “There are five things which I do not abandon till I die and (one of them) is greeting the children so that it can remain a custom after me.”1
However, it can be gathered from the traditions narrated in this chapter, that all Muslims should precede each other in greeting, especially the young generation.
Little contemplation will clarify that these narrations are not in conflict with each other, but they are complementary to each other and it is best to practice all of them.
This means that the duty of every person in the Islamic society is to precede in the greeting, but etiquette requires that the younger greet the older. If for any reason, the younger person delays or hesitates to greet the elder one, the elder has a moral duty to greet the younger one and thereby making him understand his shortcomings and faults. This action, especially in respect to children, has a better educational impact, and this is why the Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.) used to greet the children in order to attract the attention of his followers to the upbringing effects of honoring the personality of the child and respecting his feelings.

1.. al-Khisāl, p. ۲۷۱, h. ۱۲, ‘Uyun Akhbār al-Ridā (a.s.), vol. ۲, p. ۸۱, h. ۱۴,.

CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah
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    CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah
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