CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah

37. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “He who raises three daughters until they marry will be veiled by them from Hellfire.”1

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Taking Care of Daughters

38. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “He who goes to the market and buys a present and takes it to his family is like one who carries charity to a needy group. He should begin with the females before the males, because whoever makes a female happy is as if he has freed a slave from among the offspring of Ismā‘il. He who comforts his son is as if he has wept out of fear of Allah, and he who weeps out of fear of Allah, He will make him enter the blissful Paradise.”2

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Affection towards Girls

39. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Do not hate girls because they are precious friendly companions.”3

40. Kitāb Man lā Yahduruhu al-Faqih: “The Prophet (s.a.w.) was informed of the birth of a daughter, and so he looked at the faces of his companions and saw displeasure in them. He said: “What is the matter with you? She is a flower which I smell, and her sustenance is from Allah the Exalted’.”4

41. al-Kāfi, narrating from al-Jārud ibn al-Mundhir who said: “Abu ‘Abdullah [al-Sādiq] (a.s.) said to me: “I have been informed that a daughter was born to you and you feel resentful to her. What harm can she bring to you? She is a flower which you smell and you have been guaranteed her sustenance, and the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) himself was the father of [a few] daughters.”5

42. al-Kāfi, narrating from Ibrāhim al-Karkhi from a trustworthy person from among our [Shi‘a] companions who said “I got married in Medina and Abu ‘Abdullah [al-Sādiq] (a.s.) asked me: “How did you find marriage?”
I said: “There is no man that has found any good in a woman in the way I saw in her, but she betrayed me.”
He asked: “What betrayal was it?”
I answered: “She gave birth to a female.”
He said: “It seems that you hate her. Allah says: “…your parents and your children –you do not know which of them is likelier to be beneficial for you.”67

1.. Tārikh Baghdād, vol. ۸, p. ۳۱۶, narrating from 'Anas. Kanz al-‘Ummāl, vol. ۱۶, p. ۴۵۱, h. ۴۵۳۸۵.

2.. Thawāb al-A‘māl, p. ۲۳۹. h. ۱, al-Amāli, by al-Saduq, p. ۶۷۲, h. ۹۰۴. Both narrating from Ibn ‘Abbās.

3.. Musnad Ibn Hanbal, vol. ۶, p. ۱۳۴, h. ۱۷۳۷۸. al-Mu‘jam al-Kabir, vol. ۱۷, p. ۳۱۰, h.۸۵۶, narrating from ‘Aqbah ibn ‘Amir. Kanz al-‘Ummāl, vol. ۱۶, p. ۴۴۹, h. ۴۵۳۷۴.

4.. Kitāb Man lā Yahdarhu al-Faqih, vol. ۳, p. ۴۸۱, h. ۴۶۹۳. Thawāb al-A‘māl, p. ۲۳۹, h.۲, with ‘of Fātimah’ instead of ‘of a daughter’.

5.. al-Kāfi, vol. ۶, p. ۶, h. ۹.

6.. Qurān, ۴:۱۱.

7.. al-Kāfi, vol. ۶, p. ۴, h. ۱.

CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah

37.عنه صلی الله علیه وآله : مَن عالَ ثَلاثَ بَناتٍ حَتّى يُبنيهُنَّ، كُنَّ لَهُ حِجابا مِنَ النّارِ.1

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رِعايَةُ الإِناثِ مِنَ الأولادِ

38.رسول الله‏ صلی الله علیه وآله : مَن دَخَلَ السّوقَ فَاشتَرىٰ تُحفَةً، فحَمَلَها إلىٰ عِيالِهِ، كانَ كَحامِلِ صَدَقَةٍ إلىٰ قَومٍ مَحاويجَ، و ليَـبدَأ بِالإِناثِ قَبلَ الذُّكورِ؛ فَإنَّهُ مَن فَرَّحَ اُنثىٰ فَكَأنَّما عَتَقَ رَقَبَةً مِن وُلدِ اسماعيلَ، و مَن أقَرَّ بِعَينِ ابنٍ فَكَأنَّما بَكىٰ مِن خَشيَةِ اللهِ‏ِ، وَ مَن بَكىٰ مِن خَشيَةِ اللهِ‏ِ أدخَلَهُ اللهُ‏ُ جَنّاتِ النَّعيمِ.2

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ذَمُّ كَراهَةِ البَناتِ

39.رسول الله صلی الله علیه وآله : لا تَكرَهُوا البَناتِ؛ فَإنَّهُنَّ المُؤنِساتُ الغالِياتُ.3

40.كتاب من لا يحضره الفقيه: بُشِّرَ النَّبِيُّ صلی الله علیه وآله بِابنَةٍ فَنَظَرَ في وُجوهِ أصحابِهِ، فَرَاَى الكَرَاهَةَ فيهِم، فَقالَ: ما لَكُم؟ رَيحانَةٌ أشَمُّها، وَ رِزقُها عَلَى اللهِ عزوجل‏ِ.4

41.الكافي عن الجارود بن المنذر: قالَ لي أبو عَبدِ اللهِ‏ِ علیه السلام : بَلَغَني أنَّهُ وُلِدَ لَكَ ابنَةٌ فَتَسخَطُها! وَما عَلَيكَ مِنها؟! رَيحانَةٌ تَشَمُّها، وَقَد كُفِيتَ رِزقَها، و قَد كانَ رَسولُ اللهِ صلی الله علیه وآله أبا بَناتٍ.5

42.الكافي عن إبراهيم الكرخي عن ثقة حدّثه من أصحابنا: تَزَوَّجتُ بِالمَدينَةِ، فَقالَ لي أبو عَبدِ اللهِ‏ِ علیه السلام : كَيفَ رَأيتَ؟
قُلتُ: ما رَأىٰ رَجُلٌ مِنْ خَيرٍ في امرَأَةٍ إلّا وَقَد رَأيتُهُ فيها، ولـٰكِن خانَتني!
فَقالَ: وَما هُوَ؟
قُلتُ: وَلَدَت جَارِيَةً.
قالَ: لَعَلَّكَ كَرِهتَها، إنَّ اللهَ عزوجل‏َ يَقولُ: (ءَابَاؤُكُمْ وَأَبْنَاؤُكُمْ لاَ تَدْرُونَ أَيُّهُمْ أَقْرَبُ لَكُمْ نَفْعًا)6 .7

1.. تاريخ بغداد: ج ۸ ص ۳۱۶ عن أنس، كنز العمّال: ج ۱۶ ص ۴۵۱ ح ۴۵۳۸۵.

2.. ثواب الأعمال: ص۲۳۹ ح۱، الأمالي للصدوق: ص۶۷۲ ح ۹۰۴ كلاهما عن ابن عبّاس.

3.. مسند ابن حنبل: ج ۶ ص ۱۳۴ ح ۱۷۳۷۸، المعجم الكبير: ج ۱۷ ص ۳۱۰ ح ۸۵۶ كلاهما عن عقبة بن عامر، كنزالعمّال: ج ۱۶ ص ۴۴۹ ح ۴۵۳۷۴.

4.. كتاب من لا يحضره الفقيه: ج ۳ ص ۴۸۱ ح ۴۶۹۳، ثواب الأعمال: ص ۲۳۹ ح ۲ وفيه «بفاطمة» بدل «بابنة».

5.. الكافي: ج ۶ ص ۶ ح ۹.

6.. النساء: ۱۱.

7.. الكافي: ج ۶ ص ۴ ح ۱.

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    CHILDREN in the Quran and the Sunnah
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