D- The Best of Names and the Rights of Some of Them:
142. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “The blessed names are: ‘Abdullah, ‘Abd al-Rahmān and similar names that denote the servitude to Allah.”1
143. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Indeed, the best of names are: ‘Abdullah, ‘Abd al-Rahmān, Hārithah and Hammām.”2
144. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “If you name the child Muhammad, honor him, make room for him in gatherings and do not frown at him.”3
145. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “If you name anyone Muhammad, do not disgrace him, do not frown at him and do not beat him. Blessed be the house that has a Muhammad, the gathering that has a Muhammad, and a company of friends that has a Muhammad.”4
146. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Any household that has the name Muhammad in it Allah will increase their sustenance. So, if you have named a child Muhammad, you must not beat or insult him.”5
147. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Do you name someone Muhammad and then you insult him!?”6
148. al-Kāfi, narrating from al-Sakuni who said: “I went to Imām al-Sādiq (a.s.) while I was sad and upset, and he said to me: “O’ Sakuni, why are you sad?”
I said: “A daughter has been born to me.”
He said: “O’ Sakuni, her weight is on the earth and her sustenance is from Allah. She lives outside the span of your lifetime, and she eats other than your sustenance.”
By Allah, he relieved me, and then he said: “What did you name her?”
I said: “Fātimah.”
He said: “Excellent!” Then he put his hand on his forehead and said: “The Messenger of Allah said: “The rights of the child on the father is that if the child is a male, the father should honor his mother, choose a good name for him, teach him the Book of Allah, purify him and teach him swimming. And if the child is a female, he should honor her mother, choose a good name for her, teach her [from] the Chapter of the Light, not teach her [from] the Chapter of Joseph7 , not to place her in an upstairs room8 , and to hasten in sending her to the house of her husband.”
‘Be careful! Since you have named her Fātimah, you should not insult her, nor curse her, nor beat her.”9
1.. al-Nawādir, by al-Rāwandi, p. ۱۰۴, h. ۷۵. al-Ja‘fariyāt, p. ۱۹۰, with ‘custom’ instead of ‘names that denote the servitude to Allah’. Both narrating from Imām al-Kāzim (a.s.) from his forefathers (a.s.). Bihār al-Anwār, vol. ۱۰۴, p. ۱۳۰, h. ۲۱.
2.. al-Khisāl, p. ۲۵۱, h. ۱۱۸, narrating from Jābir from Imām al-Bāqir (a.s.). Bihār al-Anwār, vol. ۱۰۴, p. ۱۲۷, h. ۲.
3.. Tārikh Baghdād, vol. ۳, p. ۹۱, narrating from Zaid ibn al-Hasan from his father from Imām ‘Ali (a.s.). Sharh Nahj al-Balāghah, vol. ۱۹, p. ۳۶۹, narrating from Imām ‘Ali (a.s.) from the Prophet (s.a.w).
4.. Makārim al-Akhlāq, vol. ۱, p. ۶۵, h. ۶۷, narrating from Abu Rāfi‘. Bihār al-Anwār, vol. ۱۶, p. ۲۳۹.
5.. Tanbih al-Khawātir, vol. ۱, p. ۳۲, narrating from Jābir. Sharh Nahj al-Balāghah, vol. ۱۹, p. ۳۶۶, narrating from Jābir.
6.. Kanz al-‘Ummāl, vol. ۱۶, p. ۴۲۲, h. ۴۵۲۲۲, narrating from ‘Abd ibn Hamid from 'Anas.
7.. Yusuf.
8.. Meaning that a girl should not be put in a room where onlookers can see her.
9.. al-Kāfi, vol. ۶, p. ۴۸, h. ۶. Tahdhib al-Ahkām, vol. ۸, p. ۱۱۲, h. ۳۸۷.