Imam Khomeini’s Rijal Basics
Ni'matullah Safari-Furushani
In addition to indicating the qualifications for ijthad, Imam Khomeini hinted to the point that attaing the level of ijtihad necessitates ons's familiarity with the science of rijal. Since he never wrote any special book in rijal, to get to khow of his rijal basics, all his argumentational fiqh writings must be studied. In the paper, some aspects of his rijal basics are presented; they have been searched out from among his fiqh and 'usul works. The Introduction is concerned with the necessity of this research, definitionof the subject, research methods and sources. Part one is concerned with the necessity of this research, defintion of the subject, research methods and sources. Part one is concerned with Imam Khomeini's general rijal views. Part two presents the Imam's special outlooks in view of special tawthiqs 'authenticity'. Part Three deals with the Imam's views on general tawthiqs. Part Four focuses on the Imam's views on hadith books. Part Five renders his views concerning hadith reporters in a classified way.
Key Word: Rijal Basics, Qualifications for Ijthad, Tawthiqs 'Authenticity', Hadith Books.
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