“Mirsad al-Ibad min al-Mabda ila-l-Ma’ad” Work Was Translated and Published in a Book Form
Publish Date: 2/17/2014 Code: 29759

“Mirsad al-Ibad min al-Mabda ila-l-Ma’ad” Work Was Translated and Published in a Book Form

Tehran Times: The book was translated into Russian by Mehdi Kazimov, the dean of the Iranian Philology Department at Baku State University, the Persian service of IRNA reported on Friday.

“Mirsad al-Ibad min al-Mabda ila-l-Ma’ad” Work Was Translated and Published in a Book Form


Mehdi Kazimov, chief of “Source study, investigation and publication of written monuments” department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS named after acad. Ziya Bunyadov, professor has translated “Mirsad al-Ibad min al-Mabda ila-l-Ma’ad” work of Najmaddin Razi from Persian into Russian and published in a book form. This work is one of the serious Sufi works. Written in 1223 this work has quickly earned a reputation in Sufi scope and, in general, in intellectual circles. Being composed of 5 chapters and 40 sections, this work is devoted to the Sufism theory and complex issues of practice. Source: www.science.gov.az


Tehran Times: The book was translated into Russian by Mehdi Kazimov, the dean of the Iranian Philology Department at Baku State University, the Persian service of IRNA reported on Friday. The 470-page book, a summation of the Sufi tradition as it had developed by the thirteenth century, was published by Nafta-Press with the support of the Iran’s cultural attaché’s office in Baku. “Mirsad al-Ibad” was translated into English under the title of The Path of God’s Bondsmen: From Origin to Return by Hamid Algar in 2003. The book deals with the origins of the various realms and orders of creation, prophethood and the different dimensions of religion, ritual practices, mores, and institutions of Sufism, the destinations that await different classes of men in the hereafter, and the fashion in which different professions and trades may come to yield spiritual benefit and heavenly reward.


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