Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 67 Released
Publish Date: 5/21/2014 Code: 30153

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 67 Released



Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 67 Released






Hadith "Al-Majalis bil-Amana" at a Glance

Mohammad Moradi

This paper is concerned with document investigation and implications of the famous hadith "Al-Majalis bil-Amana" through descriptive analytical method using views and opinions of experts. The author of the present paper tries to make a comparative study of the verses of the Holy Quran and display jurisprudential and ethical content, scope of the term majlis (meeting) and amana (trust) and secrets of meeting. The author has attempted to make use of Shia and Sunni sources of hadith and reflect jurists and scholars of ethics views in respect to the interpretation of the above statement.

Key Words: Al-Majalis bil-Amana, Trustworthiness, Meeting, Confidentiality.

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Criterion for Moral Action in al-Kafi, the Book of Faith and Unbelief

Sayyid Hamid Hosseini

Criterion for ethical standards of human behavior is the main problem of the philosophy of ethics. The way we approach it forms the basic foundations of ethical systems. The variety of responses to these questions provided in the West philosophy has created various ethical schools as teleologism, deontologism, and virtueism. Giving a brief description of the schools and an overview of the views of Muslim scholars in this field, the author of the present study tries to identify and analyze the criteria that Muslim leaders have expressed for ethical behavior. Therefore, the text of the Book of Faith and Unbelief from the precious book of al-Kafi consists of the most reliable moral traditions, has been analyzed in the present paper. This study suggests that none of the moral known schools, is fully consistent with the principles of Islamic ethics and points raised by the Muslim scholars are often out of discussion. The concluding criterion presented in this study for ethical action, is the consistency of everyone s behavior with his perception of the truth.

Key Words: Philosophy of Ethics, Normative Ethics, Moral Action, Morality, Faith, Usul al-Kafi.

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Hadiths Concerning Types of Friends: A Psychological Analysis of Classification of Individual Communication

Mohsen Zandi

One of the most fundamental human needs is the need for connection and attachment which human survival depends on it. However, "connection" is a fundamental need and people "classify" their communication in respect to their both inside tendency and historical experiences.  In the area of theory, psychological classification of communication takes place based on the Priori theory of researchers. Accepting moral integrity of classification of relations, and making emphasis on it, Scriptures also make a new design of communication and their forms according to their priori theories about man and his place in the world.  In the chapter of "Asnaf al-Asdiqa" (Types of Friends) of the book Friendship in the Quran and Hadith, six hadiths are found in which different types of relationships are classified.  Significant differences are apparent within these six hadiths whether employed in the words and sentences or in the category of classification. To resolve this apparent inconsistency, the author of the present paper first makes a semantic system within the family of all traditions of communication then verifies its direction. Finally, he makes a psychological analysis of these hadiths and infers a four-class pyramidal pattern about relationships.

Key Words:  Friendship, Relationships, Functional Relationships, Love, Attitude, Semantic System, Psychological Analysis.

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The Mechanism of Divine Reward and Punishment at a Glance

Mohammed Hussein Saleh Abadi

One of the most common questions raised by today’s generation is the abundant rewards mentioned in the hadith sources for some tasks, such as visiting the holy shrines and mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s). In this article, the author tries to give a description of some general rules which can be deduced from religious texts about the rewards and punishments and make a perspective of the divine judgment and existing standards in this field Thereby reward frequency in the above-mentioned cases, according to this mechanism and its criteria will be judged.  Thus, using the verses and traditions, the author of the present paper infers some rules like "authenticity of Tafazol in reward system and not in contractual transaction" and emphasizes that in the structure of divine reward things like "effects of the action" are of the most influential ones.  He concludes that merely quoting a great reward for an act cannot be taken as a sign of weakness. However it is necessary to present a reward structure deductible from religious texts.  Perhaps a great reward is due to the existence of a factor of the many factors which have played a role in the above mentioned structure.

 Key Words:  Rewards, Visitation to Holy Shrines, Mourning, Imam Hussain (a.s).

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Conflict of Rijal Views and Allama Hilli’s Strategies in Khulasat al-Aqwal for Dealing with It

Fatema Jiyan

Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh

One can sometimes find conflicts among the views of the authors of the first rijal usuls as foundation for modern scholars’ judgment on the reliability of hadith transmitters.  Some believe that Allama Hilli s approach to the conflicts of rijal views is not of a specific method and Style in "Khulasat al-Aqwal" the most important rijal book of the eighth century, written shortly after the first rijal usuls. His judgment regarding the reliability and unreliability of narrators has no firm ground. Investigation of the accuracy of this claim plays an important role in the credit for this book and Allama Hilli’s clear-cut rijal views. The author of this research study probes the status of narratives in "Khulasat al-Aqwal" and makes an analysis of Allama Hilli’s expressions of the translation and finally concludes that Allama Hilli has a systematic approach to the conflicts of rijal views.

Key Words: Conflict, Allama Helli, Khulasat al-Aqwal, Rijal.

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History of Hadith in the Province of Khuzestan and the Role of Hadith Scholars in Its Development 

Hadi Hojjat

Abdorreza Rasaee

Khuzestan as the gateway of Islam is considered one of the influential regions in Iran from two perspectives:  history and hadith studies.  In this article history of tradition in Khuzestan from the time of the Prophet (pbuh) until the end of the Safavid period has been studied in three periods: the early period (first five centuries), middle (sixth century to the ninth century) and later generation (Safavid period).   Most of these narrators belong to the early period in which the number of Sunni narrators has been reported more.   In the middle period, number of narrators especially Shia has declined.  In the modern period, with the advent of the Sadat Moshashaei at Khuzestan followed by Safavids in Iran, hadith studies flourished again.  The narrators (mostly Shia hadith scholars from two schools of thought: Akhbari and Usuli) have written precious works on various topics such as hadith, hadith collections, rijal, fiqh al-hadith (hadith scholarship), traditional exegesis, etc.

Key Words: Khuzestan Hadith Scholar, Hadith History, Hadith Books.

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The Semantics of "Hifz" of the Quran in Traditions

Omid Pishgar

Haidar Masjidi

There are some traditions in Shia and Sunni hadith collections under the topic of the Holy Quran which encourage and persuade hifz through a variety of interpretations.  What we are currently witnessed of the word "hifz", is that hifz in the related hadiths only means to keep in mind (or memorize) though it literally means: to care and maintain. In traditions it has been used in both meanings: to keep in mind (or memorize) and practical care. The authors of the present research study try to find the true meaning of "hifz" in these narratives. After viewing the word hifz from different perspectives, they present some examples of the implications of hifz in the Holy Quran and hadith, they conclude that two above-mentioned meanings are ambiguous; however existing evidences suggest that there is no reason to accept one meaning and reject another one though the practical one is closer in meaning.

Key Words: Hifz, the Holy Quran, Hadith, Memorization.

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