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788 - النَّوادِرُ


2481.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : السِّرُّ أفضَلُ مِن العَلانِيَةِ، والعلانِيَةُ لِمَن أرادَ الاقتِداءَ .1

2481.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Performing actions in secret is better than performing them publicly, except for the one who wishes to set an example.' 2

2482.الإمامُ الباقرُ عليه السلام - لمّا سَألَهُ زرارةُ عن الرَّجُلِ يَعمَلُ الشي‏ءَ مِن الخَيرِ فَيَراهُ إنسانٌ فَيَسُرُّهُ ذلكَ - : لا بَأسَ ، ما مِن أحدٍ إلّا وهُو يُحِبُّ أن يَظهَرَ لَهُ في الناسِ الخَيرُ ، إذا لَم يَكُن صَنَعَ ذلكَ لذلكَ .3

2482. Imam al-Baqir (AS) was once asked by his companion Zurara, about a man who performs a good deed which people happen to see, and which he feels good about as a result. Imam replied, 'It does not matter as long as he did not [originally] perform the action for that purpose. Everyone naturally wants people to see them as good.' 4

2483.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : مَن عَمِلَ حَسَنَةً سِرّاً كُتِبَت لَهُ سِرّاً ، فإذا أقَرَّ بها مُحِيَتْ وكُتِبَت جَهراً ، فإذا أقَرَّ بها ثانياً مُحِيَت وكُتِبَت رياءً .5

2483.Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'The deed of one who performs it in secret is recorded down as a secret action. If he admits to having performed it [when asked], the previous record is erased and it is recorded instead as a public action. If he subsequently avers it himself, however, the previous record is erased and it is recorded instead as showing off.' 6

1.كنز العمّال : ۵۲۷۳ .

2.Kanz al-Ummal, no. ۵۲۷۳

3.الكافي : ۲ / ۲۹۷ / ۱۸ ., v. ۲, p. ۲۹۷, no. ۱۸

5.عدّة الداعي : ۲۲۱ .

6.Uddat al-Dai, p. ۲۲۱

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