International Conference on
Publish Date: 10/8/2014 Code: 34553

International Conference on "Allāmah Tabātabāi's Thought in Al-Mizān"

One of these highly valuable sources of Islamic World, especially Shia world, is the noble commentary of Al-Mizān whose many scientific dimensions and aspects have not yet been completely recognized.


International Conference on "Allāmah Tabātabāis Thought in Al-Mizān"


The recognition and elaboration on Shia scientific and spiritual sources is considered as one of the most important duties of scientific and research centers and institutes in Islamic Republic of Iran. One of these highly valuable sources of Islamic World, especially Shia world, is the noble commentary of Al-Mizān whose many scientific dimensions and aspects have not yet been completely recognized. No doubt, precise exposition of AllamahTabatabaii s thoughts in this incisive commentary of the Qurān can serve as a blazing torch that light the way for Muslim scholars and thinkers to make use of the Qurans realities and sciences in an efficient way. The realization of this important task necessitates the endeavor and intellectual collaboration of all those who study the Glorious Qurān. In this direction, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, the department of Qur’anic commentary and sciences, holds an international conference on "Allāmah Tabātabāis Thought in Al-Mizān" with the collaboration of its other departments and domestic and foreign scientific and research centers.




The aims of conference

    Recognition and exposition of AllamahTabatabai s thought in Al-Mizan Commentary in the field of Islamic sciences and human sciences;

    Recognition and introduction of ʿAllāmah Tabātabāīs scientific dimensions and those of Al-Mizan Commentary;

    Presentation and analysis of the new Islamic and Shiʿite views held by domestic and foreign thinkers about Islamic sciences and human sciences based on ʿAllāmah Tabātabāī s thoughts in A-Mizan Commentary;

    A review of different approaches to ʿAllāmah Tabātabāī s thoughts adopted by those who make researches into the Glorious Qur’ān;

    Preparing the ground for Islamization of human sciences;

    The exchange of research findings between Imam Khomeini Institute and other scientific centers and scholars of the world;

    Exposition, criticism, and correction of current theories proposed in different fields of the human sciences and Islamic sciences on an international scale. 

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