International Conference on Justice and Ethics
Publish Date: 7/18/2016 Code: 52493

International Conference on Justice and Ethics

The Contributions of the Ahl al-Bayt
With special emphasis on Imam ‘Ali b. Musa al-Ridha
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
April 2017


This year’s theme aspires to relate the critical notion of justice with ethics.  Abrahamic religions are explicitly committed to the creation of a just polity on earth that would reflect the emphasis laid on fairness in politics, economy, and society as a whole.  At the global and universal level the teachings of Islam are seeking application as the Muslim community witnesses the unfolding of intra- and interfaith conflicts in different parts of the world.  What does Islam teach about a just polity?  What are the ways by means of which Islamic teachings seek to apply these practical teachings?  Ethics in this conference serves to underscore applied ethics in all areas of human interaction.  Islamic notion of justice is not an abstraction.  The Qur’an and the Prophetic teachings undertook to develop ethical principles and rules to derive practical rulings in the areas of relationships and social organization.  Prophetic teachings were further developed by the Ahlul-Bayt, among whom the Imams, the rightful successors of the Prophet, further elaborated ethics of just human relationships by their example.  Today, the community needs to retrieve these teachings of the Ahlul-Bayt, especially the heritage left by Imam ‘Ali Rida, who lived at remarkable time to provide many indicators for future retrieval and application to speak to contemporary issues faced by the Umma.

The call for papers requests the prospective participants to closely discuss the topics in light of the overall contribution of the school of Ahlul-Bayt in advancing ethics of justice.  Following are the themes for your consideration:


Foundational Sources for Islamic notions of justice and ethics Significance of the religious sources for modern discourse on justice

Revelation and reason in the development of Islamic ethics of justice

Expression of Qur’anic concepts on justice and ethics in the teachings of Imam al-Ridha

Relational ethics and its association with justice in the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt

Distributive justice in the juridical heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt


Theological, juridical, and philosophical notions of justice and its ethical implications Theological foundations of ethics as regards human responsibility

Juridical-legal consequences and implications of justice

Responsible choice of the citizens in preserving just polity

Mutual interaction of juridical-legal inferences with justice

The moral philosophy of just society

The purpose of human life: ideal society?


Islamic ethical discourse as it relates to the legal-justice discourse Ethical principles and values and the paradigms of justice

Globalization of culture of justice in the contemporary age

Sources of and barriers to the growth of indigenous culture of justice

Problems in the application of justice in contemporary society

Various areas of applied ethics of justice in the school of the Ahl al-Bayt


Ethics of dialogue and justice coexistence in the teachings of Imam al-Ridha Important aspects of the life of Imam al-Ridha as a source of unity among Muslims

The possibility and realization of true interfaith dialogue

Razavi paradigm of coexistence

The future of intra- and inter-religious relations within the Islamic world

Religious conflict resolution in the teachings of Imam al-Ridha


The role of justice in the interaction of Islamic civilization with other civilizations The role of justice in the flouri shing of Islamic civilization

Justice as a criterion in the structure of Islamic civilization

Ethics as arising from Islamic justice within civilizational interaction

Status of justice in the convergence of civilizations

Justice as a characteristic of Islamic politics and state

Justice and new Islamic civilization


Mashhad as a source of cultural unity and Islamic spirituality The main characteristics of Mashhad as potential sources of unity

Spiritual and intellectual resources in Mashhad in the field of Islamic studies

Mashhad as the beating heart of peace-based Islamic Revival

Figures and thinkers of Mashhad