-The Scale of Wisdom

1311 - ما يَنبَغي مِنَ التَّعظيمِ‏


(ذلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإنَّها مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ) .1

“That, and whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah – indeed that arises from the godwariness in the hearts.”2

(ذلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ حُرُماتِ اللَّهِ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَهُ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِ وَأُحِلَّتْ لَكُمُ الْأنْعامُ إلَّا ما يُتْلَى‏ عَلَيْكُمْ فَاجْتَنِبُوا الرِّجْسَ مِنَ الْأوْثانِ وَاجْتَنِبُوا قَوْلَ الزُّورِ) .3

“That, and whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah, that is better for him with his Lord. You are permitted [animals of] grazing livestock except for what will be recited to you. So avoid the abomination of idols, and avoid false speech.”4

4296.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : إنَّ مِن تَعظيمِ جَلالِ اللَّهِ عزَّوجلَّ كَرامَةَ ذي الشَّيبَةِ ، وحامِلِ القُرآنِ ، والإمامِ العادِلِ .5

4296.The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Verily venerating Allah’s Exaltedness involves honouring the old, the bearer of the Qur’an and the just Imam.’6

4297.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام - لَمّا سُئلَ عَنِ القِيامِ تَعظيماً لِلرَّجُلِ - : مَكروهٌ إلّا لِرَجُلٍ في الدِّينِ .7

4297. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) when asked about standing in veneration of someone, replied, ‘It is an abominable act, except when standing for a man of religion.’8

4298.الإمامُ الكاظمُ عليه السلام : عَظِّمِ العالِمَ لِعِلمِهِ ودَعْ مُنازَعتَهُ ، وصَغِّرِ الجاهِلَ لِجَهلِهِ ولا تَطرُدْهُ ، ولكِن قَرِّبْهُ وعَلِّمْهُ .9

4298.Imam al-Kazim (AS) said, ‘Venerate the scholar for his knowledge and abandon argumentation with him. Depreciate the ignorant man for his ignorance but do not drive him away. Rather draw him near and teach him.’10

بيان :

قالَ الشهيدُ قدّس اللَّه روحه في قواعده : يجوز تعظيم المؤمن بما جرت به عادة الزمان وإن لم يكن منقولاً عن‏السَّلف ؛ لدلالة العُمومات عليه ، قال تعالى‏ : (ذلكَ ومَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعائرَ اللَّهِ فإنَّها مِن تَقوَى القُلوبِ) وقالَ تعالى‏ : (ذلكَ ومَن يُعَظِّمْ حُرُماتِ اللَّهِ فهُوَ خَيرٌ لَهُ عِندَ رَبِّه) ولقول النبيّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : لاتَباغَضوا ولا تَحاسَدوا ولا تَدابَروا ولا تَقاطَعوا وكونوا عِبادَ اللَّهِ إخواناً . فعلى‏ هذا يجوز القيام والتعظيم بانحناءٍ وشبهه ، وربّما وجب إذا أدّى‏ تركه إلَى التباغض والتقاطع أو إهانة المؤمن . وقد صحّ أنَّ النبيَّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله قام إلى‏ فاطِمَةَ عليها السلام وإلى‏ جَعفَرٍ رضى اللَّه عنه لَمّا قَدِمَ مِن الحَبشَةِ ، وقال للأنصار : قُوموا إلى‏ سَيِّدِكُم . ونُقِل أنَّهُ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله قامَ لِعِكرِمَةَ بنِ أبي جَهلٍ لَمّا قَدِم مِنَ اليَمنِ فَرَحاً بِقُدومِه.

Shahid al-Awwal (may Allah sanctify his soul) wrote in his al-Qawaid, ‘The veneration of a believer is allowed according to what is current amongst the norms of the time, even though the practice has not been handed down from our forefathers but because of the general laws indicating to it. Allah, most High, says, “That, and whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah – indeed that arises from the godwariness in the hearts”, and He, most High, says, “That, and whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah, that is better for him with his Lord. You are permitted [animals of] grazing livestock except for what will be recited to you. So avoid the abomination of idols, and avoid false speech”, and the Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Do not display hatred towards each other, nor be jealous of each other, nor oppose each other, nor break off relations with each other, but rather be brothers as servants of Allah.’ Based on this, standing and veneration through curtsying and the like is allowed, and may even be obligatory if abandonment of it will lead to mutual hatred and breaking of relations or to the insult of a believer. It is a fact that the Prophet (SAWA) stood up for Fatima (AS) and for Jafar [may Allah be pleased with him] when he arrived from Abyssinia, and he said to the ansar, ‘Stand up for your leader.’ It has been reported that he (SAWA) stood up for Ikrima b. Abi Jahl when he arrived from Yemen, gladdened by his arrival.’

1.الحجّ : ۳۲ .

2.Qur’an ۲۲:۳۲

3.الحجّ : ۳۰ .

4.Qur’an ۲۲:۳۰

5.كنز العمّال : ۲۵۵۰۷ .

6.Kanz al-Ummal, no. ۲۵۵۰۷

7.المحاسن : ۱ / ۳۶۴ / ۷۸۶ .

8.al-Mahasin, v. ۱, p. ۳۶۴, no. ۷۸۶

9.تحف العقول : ۳۹۴ .

10.Tuhaf al-Uqul, no. ۳۹۴

-The Scale of Wisdom

282 - التّعظيم‏


1310 - تَعظيمُ الاُمَراءِ


4292.رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه وآله: مَن مَدَحَ سُلطاناً جائراً وتَخَفَّفَ وتَضَعضَعَ لَهُ طَمَعاً فيهِ كانَ قَرينَهُ إلَى النّارِ .1

4292.The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘He who praises a tyrant ruler and is humble and subordinate to him out of greed in him will be his partner in Hellfire.’2

4293.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله: مَن أحَبَّ أن يَمثُلَ لَهُ الرِّجالُ فَلْيَتبَوَّأْ مَقعَدَهُ في النّارِ .3

4293.The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Whoever likes people to stand up for him should take a seat for himself in the Fire.’4

4294.بحار الأنوار عن أبي ذَرٍّ رحمه اللَّه عليه : رَأيتُ سَلمانَ وبِلالاً يُقبِلانِ إلَى النَّبِيِّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله إذ انكَبَّ سَلمانُ عَلى‏ قَدَمِ رَسولِ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله‏يُقَبِّلُها ، فزَجَرَهُ النّبِيُّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله عَن ذلكَ ، ثُمّ قالَ لَهُ : يا سَلمانُ ، لا تَصنَعْ بي ما تَصنَعُ الأعاجِمُ بِمُلوكِها ، أنا عَبدٌ مِن عَبيدِ اللَّهِ آكُلُ مِمّا يَأكُلُ العَبدُ ، وأقعُدُ كَما يَقعُدُ العَبدُ .5

4294. Bihar al-Anwar, narrating from Abu Dharr, ‘I saw Salman and Bilal approaching the Prophet (SAWA) when Salman threw himself at the Prophet (SAWA)’s feet, kissing them. So the Prophet (SAWA) stopped him from doing that, and said to him, ‘O Salman, do not do unto me as the foreigners do with their kings – I am a servant from among the servants of Allah, eating what a servant eats and sitting how a servant sits.’6

4295.الإمامُ عليّ عليه السلام - لدهاقين الأنبار لمّا ترجّلوا لَهُ وَاشتَدُّوا بَينَ يَدَيهِ عند مسيره إلى الشام - : ما هذا الّذي صَنَعتُموهُ ؟ فَقالوا : خُلقٌ مِنّا نُعَظِّمُ بِهِ اُمَراءَنا ، فقالَ : وَاللَّهِ ما يَنتَفِعُ بِهذا اُمَراؤكُم ! وإنَّكُم لَتَشُقُّونَ عَلى أنفُسِكُم في دُنياكُم ، وتَشقَونَ بِهِ في آخِرَتِكُم ، وما أخسَرَ المَشَقَّةَ وَراءَها العِقابُ ، وأربَحَ الدَّعَةَ مَعَها الأمانُ مِنَ النّارِ !7

4295. Imam Ali (AS) was proceeding towards Syria, when the peasants of al-Anbar upon seeing him, dismounted from their mounts and started running towards him. He enquired, ‘What is this you are doing?’ to which they replied, ‘This is the way we respect our leaders.’ So he said, ‘By Allah, this does not benefit your leaders in any way, whilst you are belabouring yourself in this world and earning misery for yourselves in the Hereafter. How wasteful is the labour in whose wake lies chastisement, and how profitable the composure which brings safety from the Fire!’8

1.أمالي الصدوق : ۳۴۷ / ۱ .

2.Amali al-Saduq, p. ۳۴۷, no. ۱

3.بحار الأنوار : ۱۶ / ۲۴۰ .

4.Bihar al-Anwar v۱۶ p ۲۴۰

5.بحار الأنوار : ۷۶ / ۶۳ / ۳ .

6.Ibid. v. ۷۶, p. ۶۳, no. ۳

7.نهج البلاغة : الحكمة ۳۷ .

8.Nahj al-Balagha, Saying ۳۷

  • نام منبع :
    -The Scale of Wisdom
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Page From 1915
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