-The Scale of Wisdom

135 - فَضائِلُهُ عليه السلام‏

135. His Virtues

422.الإمامُ زينُ العابدينَ عليه السلام : إنَّ الحَسَنَ بنَ عَليِّ بنِ أبي طالِبٍ عليه السلام كانَ أعبَدَالناسِ في‏زَمانِهِ وَأزهَدَهُم وَأفضَلَهم، وَكانَ إذا حَجَّ حجَّ ماشياً وَرُبَّما مَشى حافياً ، وَكانَ إذا ذُكِرَ المَوتُ بَكى ، وَإذا ذُكِرَ القَبرُ بَكى ، وَإذا ذُكِرَ البَعثُ وَالنُشورُ بَكى ، وَإذا ذُكِرَ المَمَرُّ عَلى الصِّراطِ بَكى ، وَإذا ذُكِرَ العَرضُ عَلى اللَّهِ تَعالى ذِكرُه شَهِقَ شَهقَةً يُغشى عَلَيهِ مِنها ، وَكانَ إذا قامَ في صَلاتِهِ تَرتَعِدُ فَرائِصُهُ بَينَ يَدي رَبِّهِ عزّ وجلّ ، وَكانَ إذا ذُكِرَ الجَنَّةُ وَالنارُ اضطَرَبَ‏اضطِرابَ‏السَّليمِ وَسأل اللَّهَ تعالى الجَنَّةَ وَتَعوذُ بِهِ مِنَ النَّارِ .1

422.Imam Zayn al-'Abidin (AS) said, 'Verily Hasan b. Ali b. Abu Talib was the best worshipper of his time, the most abstemious and the best of them all. Whenever he went for hajj, he went on foot, and sometimes even bare-footed. When he remembered death, he cried. When he remembered the grave, he cried. When he was reminded of the Day of Judgment and Resurrection, he cried. When he was reminded of the crossing over the Bridge [outstretched over Hell], he cried. When he was reminded of the great exposure before Allah - exalted be His remembrance - he would gasp in such a way that he would faint. When he stood for his prayers, his limbs trembled before his Lord. When he was reminded of Paradise and the Fire, he was greatly disturbed as if bitten by a snake, and asked Allah for Paradise and sought refuge in Him from the Fire.' 2

423.المناقب لابن شهر آشوب : إنَّهُ مَرَّ الحسنُ بنُ عَليٍّ عليه السلام عَلى فُقَراءٍ وَقَد وَضَعوا كَسيراتٍ عَلَى الأرضِ وَهُم قُعودٌ يَلتَقِطونَها وَيَأكُلونَها فَقالوا لَهُ : هَلُمَّ يابنَ بِنتِ رَسولِ‏اللَّهِ إلى الغَداءِ ، قالَ : فَنَزَلَ وَقالَ : إنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُ‏المُستَكبِرينَ وَجَعَلَ يَأكُلُ مَعَهُم حَتّى اكتَفوا وَالزادُ على حالِهِ بِبَرَكَتِهِ ثُمَّ دَعاهُم إلى ضِيافَتِهِ وَأطعَمَهُم وَكَساهُم .3

423. al-Manaqib li Ibn Shahr Ashub reported: 'Hasan b. Ali (AS) passed by some beggars sitting on the ground, eating pieces of bread placed in front of them. They said to him, 'O son of the Prophet's daughter, come and join us for lunch.' [He narrated], 'So he sat down and said, 'Verily Allah does not like the arrogant.' He ate with them until they had all had enough though the amount of food remained the same by virtue of his blessings. Then he invited them to be his guests, and fed them and clothed them.' 4

424.مختصر تاريخ دمشق عن رَجلٍ مِن أهلِ الشامِ : قَدِمتُ المَدينَةَ فَرَأَيتُ رَجُلاً بَهَرَني جَمالُهُ ، فَقُلتُ : مَن هذا ؟ قالوا : الحَسنُ بنُ عَليٍّ ، قالَ : فَحَسَدتُ عَليّاً أن يَكونَ لَهُ ابنٌ مِثلُهُ ، قالَ : فَأتَيتُهُ فَقُلتُ : أنتَ ابنُ أبي طالِبٍ ؟ قالَ : إنّي [ أبي‏] ابنُهُ فَقُلتُ : بِكَ وَبِأبيكَ وَبِكَ وَبِأبيكَ، قالَ: وَأَزِمَ لا يَرِدُ إلَيَّ شَيئاً، ثُمَّ قالَ: أراكَ غَريباً فَلَو استَحمَلتَنا حَمَلناكَ ، وَإن استَرفَدتَنا رَفَدناكَ ، وَإن استَعَنتَ بِنا أعَنّاكَ ، قالَ : فَانصَرَفتُ عنه وَما في الأرضِ أحَدٌ أحَبُّ إلَيَّ مِنهُ .5

424.man from Syria narrated, 'I came to Madina and saw a man whose beauty astonished me. So I asked who this man was and was told, 'He is Hasan b. Ali.' [The Syrian man said], 'I envied Ali for having such a son. So I went to him and asked, 'Are you the son of Abu Talib?' He replied, 'Indeed I am his [grand] son'. I then said, 'Curses be on you and your father, curses be on you and your father.' He observed silence and did not reply. He then said, 'I see you are a stranger in town. Should you need a ride, we will provide you with one. Should you have any needs, we will fulfil them for you. Should you need any help, we will help you.' He said, 'I left him [in a state] whereby no one on earth was more beloved to me than him.' 6

1.الأمالي للصدوق : ۲۴۴ / ۲۶۲ .

2.Amali al-Saduq, p. ۱۵۰, no. ۸

3.المناقب لابن شهرآشوب : ۴ / ۲۳ .

4.al-Manaqib li Ibn Shahr Ashub, v. ۴, p. ۲۳

5.مختصر تاريخ دمشق : ۷ / ۲۶ .

6.Mukhtasar Tarikh Dimashq, v. ۷, p. ۲۶

-The Scale of Wisdom

134 - حَسَنٌ مِنِّي وأنا مِنهُ‏

134. Hasan is from Me and I am from him

420.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : حسنٌ مِنّي وأنا مِنهُ ، أحَبَّ اللَّهُ مَنْ أحبَّهُ ، الحسنُ والحسينُ سِبْطانِ مِن الأسْباطِ .1

420. The Prophet said (SAWA), 'Hasan is from me and I am from him. Allah loves the one who loves him. Hasan and Husayn are the two most special grandchildren.' 2

421.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : اللَّهُمَّ إنّي اُحِبُّهُ فأحِبَّهُ ، وأحِبَّ مَن يُحِبُّهُ‏3 .

421.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'O Allah, I love him, so You too love him and love whoever loves him.' 4

1.بحار الأنوار : ۴۳ / ۳۰۶ / ۶۶ .

2.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۴۳, p. ۳۰۶, no. ۶۶

3.كنز العمّال : ۳۷۶۴۰ .

4.Kanz al-Ummal, no. ۳۷۶۴۰

  • نام منبع :
    -The Scale of Wisdom
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Page From 1915
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