404 - وادِي المُتَكَبِّرينَ
404. The Valley of the Arrogant
1278.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : إنّ في جَهنّمَ لَوادِياً للمُتَكبِّرينَ يُقالُ لَه : سَقَرُ ، شَكا إلى اللَّهِعزّ وجلّ شِدّةَ حَرّهِ ، وسَألَهُ أنْ يأذَنَ لَه أنْ يَتَنفّسَ ، فتَنَفّسَ فأحْرَقَ جَهنّمَ !1
1278.Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'Verily there is a valley in Hell reserved for the arrogant, called Saqar, which complained to Allah, Mighty and Exalted, about its severe heat and asked His permission to breathe. So it breathed, and thus ignited Hell!' 2
(اُنظر) الكبر : باب 1573 .
(See also: ARROGANCE: section 1573)