-The Scale of Wisdom

57 - الأذانُ في الاُذُن‏

57. Reciting the Call for Prayer in the Ears

169.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله: يا عليُّ ، إذا وُلِدَ لكَ غُلامٌ أو جاريةٌ فأذِّنْ في اُذنِه اليُمنى‏ وأقِمْ في اليُسرى‏ ؛ فإنّه لا يَضُرُّهُ الشّيطانُ أبداً .1

169.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'O Ali! When a son or daughter is born to you, recite the adhan in his [or her] right ear and the iqama in the left ear; then Satan will never harm him [or her].' 2

170.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام: مَن ساءَ خُلُقُه فأَذِّنوا في اُذنِهِ .3

170.Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'He whose manners deviate, recite the adhan in his ear.' 4

1.تحف العقول : ۱۳ .

2.Tuhaf al-Uqul, no. ۱۳

3.بحار الأنوار : ۱۰۴ / ۱۲۲ / ۶۱ .

4.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۱۰۴, p. ۱۲۲, no. ۶۱

-The Scale of Wisdom

56 - المُؤَذِّنُ‏

56. The Caller to Prayer

167.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : يُغْفَرُ للمؤذّنِ مَدُّ صَوتِهِ وبَصَرِهِ ، ويُصدِّقُهُ كلُّ رطْبٍ ويابِسٍ ، وله مِن كُلِّ مَن يُصلّي بأذانِه حَسَنةٌ .1

167.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The caller to prayer is forgiven according to the distance of his voice and his eyes; every wet and dry thing testifies to his credibility; and he receives a reward for everyone that prays in response to his call.' 2

168.الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : لِيؤذّنْ لَكُم أفصحُكُمْ ، وَلْيؤمّكُمْ أفقهُكُم .3

168.Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Let the most eloquent from among you call for the prayer, and the most knowledgeable from among you lead the prayer.' 4

1.بحار الأنوار : ۸۴ / ۱۰۴ / ۲ .

2.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۸۴, p. ۱۰۴, no. ۲

3.دعائم الإسلام : ۱ / ۱۴۷ .

4.Daa'im al-Islam, v. ۱, p. ۱۴۷

  • نام منبع :
    -The Scale of Wisdom
Number of Visits : 503570
Page From 1915
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