-The Scale of Wisdom

873 - ذَمُّ غَلاءِ المَهرِ


2785.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : أفضَلُ نِساءِ اُمَّتِي أصبَحُهُنَّ وَجهاً وأقَلُّهُنَّ مَهراً .2

2785.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The best women of my community are those that have the prettiest faces and the smallest dowries.' 3

2786.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : خَيرُ الصَّداقِ أيسَرُهُ .4

2786.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The best dowry is the simplest one.' 5

2787.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : أمّا شُؤمُ المَرأةِ فكَثرَةُ مَهرِها وعُقوقُ زَوجِها .6

2787.Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'The bane of a woman is her excessive dowry and her disrespect of her husband.' 7

1.Mahr: an amount of money or property transferred by a man to his bride when they marry as his gift to her (ed.)

2.بحار الأنوار : ۱۰۳ / ۲۳۷ / ۲۵ .

3.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۱۰۳, p. ۲۳۷, no. ۲۵

4.كنز العمّال : ۴۴۷۰۷ .

5.Kanz al-Ummal, no. ۴۴۷۰۷

6.معاني الأخبار : ۱۵۲ / ۱ .

7.Maani al-Akhbar, p. ۱۵۲, no. ۱

-The Scale of Wisdom

872 - الإهتمامُ بالدِينِ في الزَّواجِ‏

872. The Importance of Faith WHEN SELECTING A SPOUSE

2781.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : مَن تَزَوَّجَ امرَأةً لا يَتَزَوَّجُها إلّا لِجَمالِها لَم يَرَ فيها ما يُحِبُّ ، ومَن تَزَوَّجَها لِمالِها لا يَتَزَوَّجُها إلّا وَكَلَهُ اللَّهُ إلَيهِ ، فعلَيكُم بذاتِ الدِّينِ .1

2781.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'He who marries a woman solely for her beauty will not find anything he likes in her, he who marries her for her wealth will be deprived of it as soon as he marries her, so look to marry women of faith.' 2

2782.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : لا يُختارُ حُسنُ وَجهِ المَرأةِ على‏ حسُنِ دِينِها .3

2782.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The beauty of a woman's faith must be given priority over the beauty of her face.' 4

2783.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : إذا جاءَكُم مَن تَرضَونَ دِينَهُ وأمانَتَهُ يَخطُبُ (إلَيكُم) فَزَوِّجُوهُ ، إن لا تَفعَلُوهُ تَكُن فِتنَةٌ في الأرضِ وفَسادٌ كبيرٌ .5

2783.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'When someone comes to you with a proposal and you are well-pleased with his faith and his integrity then accept him in marriage, for if you do not, discord and corruption will prevail in the land.' 6

2784.الإمامُ الحسنُ عليه السلام - لرجل جاءَ إلَيهِ يَستَشِيرُهُ في تَزويجِ ابنَتِهِ - : زَوِّجْها مِن رَجُلٍ تَقِيٍّ ، فإنّهُ إن أحَبَّها أكرَمَها وإن أبغَضَها لَم يَظلِمْها .7

2784. Imam al-Hasan (AS) said to man who came to ask his advice about getting his daughter married, 'Marry her to a pious man, for if he loves her he will honour her, and if he comes to dislike her, at least he will not be unjust towards her.' 8

1.بحار الأنوار : ۱۰۳ / ۲۳۵ / ۱۹ .

2.Ibid. v. ۱۰۳, p. ۲۳۵, no. ۱۹

3.كنز العمّال : ۴۴۵۹۰ .

4.Kanz al-Ummal, no. ۴۴۵۹۰

5.بحار الأنوار : ۱۰۳ / ۳۷۲ / ۳ .

6.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۱۰۳, p. ۳۷۲, no. ۳

7.مكارم الأخلاق : ۱ / ۴۴۶ / ۱۵۳۴ .

8.Makarim al-Akhlaq, v. ۱, p. ۴۴۶, no. ۱۵۳۴

  • نام منبع :
    -The Scale of Wisdom
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Page From 1915
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