-The Scale of Wisdom

149 - فضائِلُه عليه السلام‏

149. His Virtues

464.الإرشاد : رُويَ أنَّهُ (الكاظم عليه السلام) كانَ يَدعو كَثيراً فَيَقولُ : اللَّهمَّ إنّي أسألُكَ الرّاحَةَ عِندَ المَوتِ وَالعَفوَ عِندَ الحِسابِ . وَيُكَرِّرُ ذلك . وَكانَ مِن دُعائِهِ عليه السلام : عَظُمَ الذَّنبُ مِن عَبدِكَ فَليَحسُنِ العَفوُ مِن عِندِكَ . وَكانَ يَبكي مِن خَشيَةِ اللَّهِ حَتَّى تَخضَلُّ لِحيَتُهُ بِالدُّموعِ . وَكانَ أوصَلُ النّاسِ لأهلِهِ ورَحِمِهِ وَكانَ يَفتَقِدُ فُقَراءَ المَدينَةِ في اللَّيلِ فَيَحمِلُ إليهِم (الزَّنبيلَ) فيهِ العَينُ وَالوَرَقُ وَالأدِقَّةُ وَالتُّمورِ فَيوصِلُ إلَيهِم ذلك وَلا يَعلَمونَ مِن أيِّ جَهَةٍ هُوَ .1

464. It is narrated in al-Irshad: 'It is reported that al-Kazim used to supplicate a lot and say, 'O Allah! Indeed I ask You for ease at the time of death and pardon at the time of the account', and he used to repeat this several times. And among his supplications were, 'The sin of Your slave is great, so graceful will be the pardon from You.' He used to weep out of fear of Allah until his beard was soaked with tears. He used to be most diligent with maintaining relations with his family and his kin. He used to visit the poor of Madina at night, for whom he would take a basket of gold, silver, flour and dates. He would deliver all this to them whilst they did not even know where he came from.' 2

465.الحَسَنُ بنُ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ يَحيَى العَلَويِّ : حَدَّثَني جَدّي : كانَ موسَى بنُ جَعفَرٍ يُدعى‏ العَبدَ الصّالِحَ مِن عِبادَتِهِ وَاجتِهادِهِ . رَوى أصحابُنا أنَّهُ دَخَلَ مَسجِدَ رسولِ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله فَسَجَدَ سَجدَةً في أوَّلِ اللَّيلِ، وَسُمِعَ وَهُوَ يَقولُ في سُجودِهِ : «عَظيمُ الذَّنبِ عِندي فَليَحسُنِ العَفوُ عِندَكَ ، يا أهلَ التَّقوى وَيا أهلَ المَغفِرَةِ» فَجَعَلَ يُرَدِّدُها حَتَّى أصبَحَ وَكانَ سَخيّاً كَريماً ، وَكانَ يَبلُغُهُ عَنِ الرَّجلِ أنَّهُ يُؤذيهِ فَيَبعَثُ إلَيهِ بِصُرَّةٍ فيها ألفَ دينارٍ .3

465. Hasan b. Muhammad b. Yahya al-Alawi said, 'My grandfather narrated to me that Musa b. Jafar (AS) was called the righteous slave due to his worship and hard work. Our companions narrated that he would enter the mosque of the Prophet (SAWA) and would perform a prostration early in the night. He was heard to say in his prostration, 'My sin from me is great whilst Your pardon from You is graceful. O One who is worthy of being feared and O One who is worthy of granting forgiveness'. He would repeat this until morning. He was generous and noble. He was once informed of someone who spoke ill of him, so he sent for him a tray with one thousand dinars.' 4

1.الإرشاد : ۲ / ۲۳۱ .

2.al-Irshad, p. ۲۹۶

3.تاريخ بغداد : ۱۳ / ۲۷ .

4.Tarikh Baghdad, v. ۱۳, p. ۲۷

-The Scale of Wisdom

148 - الإمامُ في السِّجنِ‏

148. The Imam in Prison

462.الثَوباني : كانَت لأبي الحَسَنِ موسَى بنِ‏جَعفَرٍ عليهما السلام بِضعَ عَشَرةَ سِنَةٍ كُلَّ يَومٍ سَجدَةٌ بَعدَ ابيضاضِ الشَّمسِ إلى وَقتِ الزَّوالِ قالَ : فَكانَ هارونُ رُبَّما صَعَدَ سَطحاً يُشرِفُ مِنهُ عَلى الحَبسِ الَّذي حَبَسَ فيهِ أبا الحَسَنِ عليه السلام فَكانَ يَرى أبا الحَسَنِ عليه السلام ساجِداً فَقالَ للرَّبيعِ : ما ذاكَ الثَّوبُ الَّذي أراهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ في ذلك المَوضِعِ؟ قالَ : يا أميرَالمُؤمِنينَ ما ذاك بِثَوبٍ وإنّما هُوَ موسَى بنُ جَعفَرٍ عليهما السلام لَهُ كُلُّ يَومٍ سَجدَةٌ بَعدَ طُلوعِ الشَّمسِ إلى وَقتِ الزَّوالِ ، قالَ الرَّبيعُ : فَقالَ لي هارونُ : أما إنَّ هذا من رُهبانِ بَني هاشِمٍ ، قُلتُ : فَما لَكَ فَقَد ضَيَّقتَ عَليهِ في الحَبسِ ؟! قالَ : هَيهاتَ لابُدَّ مِن ذلك .1

462. Thawbani narrated, 'Abu al-Hasan Musa b. Jafar, for about ten years, performed a single prostration from sunrise until noon. [He continued], 'Harun would sometimes climb onto a roof that overlooked the prison cell wherein he had imprisoned Abu al-Hasan. He would see Abu al-Hasan (AS) in prostration. He asked al-Rabi, 'What is that cloth I see on that spot everyday?' He said, 'O commander of the faithful! That is not a cloth but Musa b. Jafar (AS). He performs a prostration every day from sunrise until noon.' Harun said, 'He is indeed one of the holy men from the Bani Hashim.' I asked, 'Then why have you confined him to captivity?' He said, 'Alas! That is how it must be.'2

463.عليُّ بن سُوَيدٍ : كَتَبتُ إلى‏ أبي الحسنِ موسى‏ عليه السلام، وهو في الحَبْسِ ، كِتاباً أسألُهُ عن حالِه وعن مَسائلَ كثيرةٍ، فاحْتَبسَ‏الجوابُ علَيَّ أشْهُراً، ثمّ أجابَني بجوابٍ هذِه نُسْخَتُهُ:
بسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ ... أمّا بعدُ ، فإنّكَ امرؤٌ أنْزَلكَ اللَّهُ مِن آلِ محمّدٍ بمَنزلةٍ خاصّةٍ ، وحَفِظَ مَوَدّةَ ما اسْتَرعاكَ من دِينهِ ... الحديث .3

463. Ali b. Suwayd narrates, 'I wrote a letter to Abu al-Hasan Musa b. Jafar (AS), when he was in captivity, in which I inquired about his health and about many other issues. He held back the reply from me for months, then he replied in a letter, the text of which is as follows: 'In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful ... Certainly you are a man who has been bestowed a special rank by Allah with the household of Muhammad and has guarded you among those who look after His religion ...' 4

1.عيون أخبار الرضا : ۱ / ۹۵ .

2.Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), v. ۱, p. ۹۵

3.بحار الأنوار : ۷۸ / ۳۲۹ / ۷ .

4.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۷۸, p. ۳۲۹, no. ۷

  • نام منبع :
    -The Scale of Wisdom
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Page From 1915
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