ABSTRACTS No.76 - Page 196

Text scholarship activities of the traditionists of Isfahan in the eleventh/nineteenth and twelfth/eighteenth centuries (development grounds and examples)

Sayyid Muhammad Sadeq Husayni-seresht
Mahdi Mehrizi

Upon the establishment of the Safavid dynasty and recognition of Shi‘ism as the official denomination, and subsequently, the request from the Shi‘a scholars to disseminate the Shi‘a knowledge, and even the most important, the change in the approach towards hadith and the spread of Akhbari thought, all these factors prepared the grounds for development of Shi‘a text scholarship in the tenth/sixteenth to twelfth/eighteenth centuries.

Most of the Shi‘a text scholarship activities were carried out in this period and more than eighty per cent of the commentaries on the Four Books (from both quantitative and qualitative aspects) were compiled within this period.

More than other hadith collections al-Kāfī drew the attentions, and this was because of the Akhbārī thought and to some extent the criticism on the rationalists. Ten per cent of the books in this regard were compiled in Persian. Another fact is that most of the works were compiled by the Akhbārīs.

Keywords: Compilation on hadith, development grounds, hadith scholarship activities, hadith of Isfahan.


Scrutiny and criticism of the mutafarridāt (exclusive reports) of the Kitāb Sulaym b. Qays al-Hilālī

Majid Ma’aref
Mozhgan Khanbaba

Kitāb Sulaym (the book of Sulyam) is among the Shi‘a hadith works belonging to the first/seventh century. The traditions contained in this book compared with other resources of both Shi‘a and Sunni denominations have countless common and, at the same time, (numerous) exclusive matters. From a quantitative aspect when the common matters and exclusive ones are compared, majority of the traditions of the book are reports supported by numerous historical evidences. But a small per cent of the traditions include the exclusive ones that mostly pivot on doctrinal, historical and maṭā‘in (strong criticisms). Content researches of the mutafarridāt (exclusive reports) of Sulaym, based on the Shi‘a fundamentals show their content genuineness. An instance for this is the traditions introducing the Twelve Imams (A.S).

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