ABSTRACTS No. 75 - Page 187

Dating the tradition "Lan yufliḥ qawmun wallaw amrahum imra’atan” based on the method of analyzing the text and the isnād

Ma‘soumeh Ray‘ān
Muhammad Kazem Rahmān-setāyesh

The tradition "Lan yufliḥ qawmun wallaw amrahum imra’atan” (the people who entrusted a woman with their affairs will never attain salvation) that was quoted in Sunni resources from Abū Bakrah and then has entered Shī‘ī resources, is one of numerous hadiths that reproach the women. The main common link is the tradition of Abū Bakrah who quoted it from the Prophet (S) in order for him to evade participating in the Battle of Jamal (Camel) on the favor of either parties, with the purpose of reproaching the women and justifying his absence. In this article we have examined and analyzed this hadith on the bases of isnād (transmission chain), matn (text of hadith), and both matn and isnād and have found out that it dates back to the second half of the first/seventh century. It is a fabricated hadith and is remarkably later than the Prophet’s era; however, due to constant recounting and transmission in Sunni and Shī‘ī resources it has become strengthened in the course of history and has been penetrated into jurisprudential resources. Consequently, it has denoted unqualification of the women to undertake ruling, governing, leading congregational prayers, and social positions in general, in the Shī‘ī and Sunni jurisprudential fundamentals.

Keywords: the tradition "Lan yufliḥ”, dating, common link, Abū Bakrah, Basra, women.

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Application of methods of uṣul al-istinbāṭ (legal theory) in seeking the meaning out of words of the Book (the Qur’an) and the Sunnah (the precedent) in the ma’thūr (authentically transmitted) ‘irfān (mysticism) and akhlāq (ethics) (Based on the documentation-recognition analysis of the book Sirr al-Isrā’)

Mustafa Hamedani

This study has dealt with analyzing the inferring method of the book Sirr al-Isrā’ compiled by Ayatollah Sa‘ādat-parvar (R) with the purpose of expanding the function of legal theoretical rules to the fields of Islamic mysticism and ethics. The method of this study is documentation-recognition analysis of the book Sirr al-Isrā’.

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