ABSTRACTS No. 75 - Page 189

functionalistic description of the attributes.

Keywords: Negative theology, ontology of the attributes, semantics of the attributes, negation of the attributes, proving the attributes, negation of anthropomorphism, practical description.

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Two namesakes called ‘Amr and a Twelver Shi‘a hadith

Sayyid Muhammad Reza Lavāsānī

Two of the hadith transmitters in the second/eighth century are namesakes: ‘Amr b. Khālid Wāsiṭī, known as "Abu Khālid Wāsiṭī” and ‘Amr b. Thābit b. Hurmuz, known as "‘Amr b. Abi ’l-Miqdām”. There is not an agreement among the Imāmī Rijālī experts about the intellectual inclination of these two transmitters. Relying on historical indications the present article attempts to discover the intellectual (and denominational) inclination of these two people. One of important criteria that is applied for this purpose is considering the content of traditions transmitted by these two people. It is concluded, by applying this criterion, that Abu Khālid belongs to the Jārūdiyyah denomination and Ibn Abi ’l-Miqdām – contrary to his father who was a follower of the Batarī sect (a branch of Zaidi school) – was with a high degree of probability an Imāmī (Twelver Shi‘a). This article then indicates that in one of the traditions denoting the fact that the Imams are twelve in number, ‘Amr b. Khālid was mistakenly substituted for ‘Amr b. Thābit (Ibn Abi ’l-Miqdām).

Keywords: ‘Amr b. Khālid (Abu Khālid Wāsiṭī), ‘Amr b. Thābit (Ibn Abi ’l-Miqdām), the Jārūdiyyah, traditions of the Twelve Imams.

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A study on traditions in which Zurārah b. A‘yan was cursed, taking the theological currents of the Twelver Shi‘a into account

Sohayla Pirouz-far
Sa‘eedeh Sādāt Mousavi-nia

Zurārah b. A‘yan is among very honorable hadith transmitters that on the one hand has collectively been praised and authenticated in certain traditions within a group of transmitters under the title of "Aṣḥāb al-Ijmā” (People of Consensus), and on the other hand has severely been cursed in certain traditions. In the Rijālī works (evaluating the reliability of transmitters) different reasons and justifications have been presented concerning those traditions in which imprecation of Zurārah is contained. Some scholars have

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