ABSTRACTS No. 80 - Page 186

that the Prophet (s.a.w) and the Infallible Imams (a.s) had no shadows. The traditionists and writers that have recognized these traditions, maintained this characteristic as a miracle for the sacred pure Infallibles; however, on the contrary most of the thinkers either kept silent and adopted no stance) when they faced such traditions or did not cite them in their books to imply their weakness (in their opinion).

In a broad outline most of these traditions suffer from weakness in their chains of transmission (isnads). In other words, their isnads suffer from the defect of infirād, and do not contain trustworthy transmitters, as well. Moreover, their texts seem to be unacceptable when they are criticized, or presented to the Qur'an. Unconditional acceptance of these traditions paves the way for the extravagant and extremist claims about the Infallibles. In addition, it gives the opponents pretext to mention sarcasms against the Shi'a.

Keywords: evaluation of the traditions, the Prophet's shadow, the Infallibles' shadow.


Searching for a thought believed by the ghālīs (extremists) Investigating the tradition "It does not make any difference for a Nāṣibī to pray or fornicate" in the Imāmī sources relying upon Rijāl al-Najāshī

Dr. Amir Ahmad-nezhad1
Zahra Kalbasi2

Najāshī, the great Shi'a Rijal expert despite his style in the book of al-Fihrist (known as Rijāl al-Najāshī), when introduces Muhammad b. Hasan Shammūn, he quotes three traditions from him all relevant to his denomination and thought. Najāshī describes Muhammad b. Hasan as a Waqifite first, and then a ghālī (extremist). He has selected the first two traditions obviously in connection with the thought of the Waqifites. It seems that he has selected the third tradition to introduce an outstanding thought of the ghālīs. It is unanimously believed by the Rijal experts that Muhammad b. Hasan Shammūn was a ghālī. Moreover, his narrations of traditions confirm this claim to the extent that Dūwūd b. Kathīr al-Riqqī - an intermediary from whom Muhammad b. Hasan has received the tradition – is accused to be a ghālī and even one of key personalities of the trend of the ghuluww (extremism). In addition to this isnad – that cannot be found in any of Imamī sources – the purport of above tradition: "sawā' 'alā al-nāsibī ṣallā am zanā" (it does not make any difference for a Nāṣibī to pray or fornicate) ​

1.Assistant Professor in Qur'an and Hadith Sciences Dept. at the University of Isfahan.

2.PhD Student in Qur'an and Hadith Sciences at the University of Isfahan (responsible writer).

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