ABSTRACTS No. 78 - Page 189

The orientalists and the Imamī hadith:

categorization and analysis of methods

Ali Hasan-nia1

Ali Rad2

A prerequisite for scholarly evaluation of the orientalists' approach to the Imamī hadith is direct confrontation with their writings, a goal that will not be attained these writings are thoroughly researched and are studied case by case. This article that is the fruit of eight months of filed study and library research in the country and abroad, and is based on studies already published in Persian and Arabic, provides, in the first step, an exact and comprehensive bibliography about the Imamī hadith, and in the second step categorizes these studies and reports them in the form of a logic model. The results of this study can be fruitful in answering such questions as: what is the prominent written legacy of the orientalists about the Imamī hadith? And which issues of the Imamī hadith have been studied in these writings?

Keywords: Imamī hadith, orientalists, typology study, bibliography.


The damage of Persian-struck-ness in hadith comprehension, underlining translations of Nahj al-Balaghah

Ali Khanifer-zadeh3

Badri Va'ezi Ashtiyani4

There exist in Persian language numerous loanwords borrowed from Arabic, but they have gained meanings new meanings. These words – called Persiarabic (alluding Persian-Arabic) words in this article – exist in both languages either identically or with similarity in shape and pronunciation. They do not necessarily have the same meanings; therefore, they may cause damage or misconception (in translations). It is for this reason that the Persian version of these

1.. Responsible writer, Assistant Professor at Shahed University, Qur'an and Hadith Sciences Department, alihnia@gmail.com

2.. Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran, Pardis Farabi of Qom Branch, Qur'an and Hadith Sciences Department, ali.rad@ut.ac.ir

3.. Lecturer and PhD student at University of the Qur'an and Hadith

4.. MA in Hadith sciences.

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