ABSTRACTS No.31 - Page 200

Keywords : The Qur¨an / Old Testament / Message Prophethood / Prohet / Similarity / Dissimilarity.

Same Explanatious About "the Oneness of God", in the Light of the Knowledge of the Prophet¨s Progeny (p.b.u.t)

Dr. Hadi Sadr

Abstract: The writer, by discussing some subjects about "the Oneness of God, and His Names and Attributes" explains about the position of Reason and mind in understanding them. He has tried to clarify the exact meanings of the Names Attributes, and criticize some views in this regard.
Keywords : Tawhid and Oneness of God / The Names Attributes - the meaning / The Good names (Asma al-Hosna).

Reason in the Viewpoint of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani

Dr. Jalal Brenjian

Abstract: The main point of this article is the authority of Reason in the fields of theoretical, belief principals, and jurisprudence, which is deliberately prepared according to the writings of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani (1303-1365 A.H.)
Mirza Mahdi Esfahani has divided the human affairs in to 2 domains:
1. The affairs that a wise person, irrespective of his religion, accepts;
2. Those religious affairs can not be judged by the human reason; therefore, one should receive it through an inspired and revealed source. The researcher, has also answered some views of the criticals to the viewpoints of thelate Mirza Mahdi Esfahani.
Keywords : Esfahani, Mirza Mahdi (1303-1365 A.H.) / Reason: Application

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