ABSTRACTS No. 65 - Page 175

application to school of Hillah and then to the school of Jabal Amil. They finally view the concept from different perspectives. Results of the present research study indicate that praising subsequent to discrediting, the Imami narrator as a condemned one, or praising subsequent to accrediting the non-Imami narrator play an important role in defining hadith-e qawi (strong hadith). This research also shows that those who coined this term have not taken into consideration the relationship between literal and idiomatic meanings of the term so it is not wrong to say that they have somehow misled the seekers of hadith.
Key Words: `Ilm al-Hadith (Hadith Science), Hadith-e Qawi (Strong Hadith), Mamduh (Praised), Ghayr Mamduh (Not Praised), Ghayr Madhmum (Not Condemned), Sheikh Bahai.
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