ABSTRACTS No. 74 - Page 165


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Concept-identification of combinations in line with "hākadhā nazalat” and the doubt of distortion of the Qur’an

Mahmoud Karimiyan

In a number of traditions a verse of the Qur’an has been recited by an Infallible Imam and to which a point - that is not a part of the verse - has been attached within expressions like "hākadhā nazalat” (this way it was revealed), "wallāhi hākadhā nazala bihā Jabra’īl ‘alā Muhammad” (by Allah Gabriel revealed it in this way to Muhammad), or "nazala Jabra’īl bi-hādhihi ’l-āyah hākadhā” (Gabriel revealed this verse this way) or similar expressions. With a primary observation with regard to these traditions it crosses one’s mind that their context is occurrence of a kind of distortion in certain verses of the Holy Qur’an, while by a deep observation and concept-identification of these traditions it will become clear that it is wrong to deduce distortion from these traditions and that they intend to explain this subtle point that the part attached to the verse is its interpretation suggesting a case for it and that by expressing a phrase like "wallāhi hākadhā nazala bihā Jabra’īl ‘alā Muhammad” the Imam (A.S) intends to make the audience understand that it is not an arbitrary personal interpretation, but rather is a revealed interpretation from Allah, the Exalted, but not as the text of the Qur’an rather as its exegesis and esoteric interpretation. There exist indications denoting this understanding from the traditions. This article deals with concept-identification of these traditions and investigation their isnāds.

Keywords: revealed interpretation, revelation of exegesis, distortion, hākadhā nazalat.

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Application of the term "āyah” in the Shi‘a traditions, taking the Ṣaḥīḥa of Hishām b. Sālim into account

Karim Parche-baf Dowlati Fatemeh Qandali

The term "āyah” is one of the Qur’anic divisions based on the mere Qur’an and used in the text of the divine discourse. This term has different meanings and applications some of which are observed in certain traditions quoted from the Infallibles (A.S). This article intends to investigate the meanings and applications of this term in the Shi‘a traditions among which is the hadith transmitted by Hishām b. Sālim that apparently denotes that the

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