ABSTRACTS No. 74 - Page 166

Holy Qur’an contains seventeen thousand verses! The difference between this figure and the real number of the Qur’anic verses made the scholars of the Qur’anic sciences to endeavor to solve the problem of the hadith. They suggested solutions like ta’wīl (esoteric interpretation) of the hadith and taking it as an explanatory revelation (waḥy bayānī), a non-Qur’anic revelation and abrogation of recitation. It has been elucidated in this article that such justifications are not needed at all, because one of the applications of this term (āyah) in the traditions is a part of a full verse that may roughly be equated with "phrase”.

Keywords: āyah, ‘add al-Āy, Shi‘a traditions, Qur’anic phrases, Ṣaḥīḥa of Hishām.

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Semantics, characteristics and cases of "ḥujub wa surādiqāt” in the Shi‘a traditions

Kavous Rouhi Barandaq Pouran Mirzaei

One of the complicated teachings in hadith about which countless understandings and facts have been expressed in numerous accounts, is the discussion of "ḥujub wa surādiqāt” dealt with by certain Muslim thinkers in different branches of knowledge including fiqh al-ḥadīth (hadith comprehension) ‘irfān (mysticism) and hikmat (philosophy) as a minor topic among other matters and not as an independent discussion. By investigating and analyzing the Shi‘a traditions this article has traditionally explained the concepts, specifications, characteristics and cases of "ḥujub wa surādiqāt” and has concluded that the logical proportion between them is generality and peculiarity, in such a way that the ḥujub denoting "obstacles between the Lord, Exalted is He, and the creatures” encompasses all the ranks of creation, even the material world; but the surādiqāt denoting "the encompassing”, includes just the immaterial obstacles and is merely designated to the immaterial ranks of creation.

Keywords: ḥijāb, ḥujub, sura surādiqāt, ranks of creation, worlds, hadith, Shi‘a.

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The unbridled imagination: Explanation of the theoretical model of the function of "amal” based on the Islamic resources

Hamid Rafi’ee Honar

Amal (hope or expectation) is a psychological factor, role of which has

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