ABSTRACTS No. 74 - Page 167

been studied (in psychology) in the personality type, finding identity, progress and combat against tensions; however, the explanation of the nature of this mere factor and the way of its function have lesser frequent been addressed.

Applying the descriptive-analytical method and aiming the explanation of the aforesaid factor and the way of its function, the researcher has first dealt in this article with concept-identification of amal and its psychological explanation, and then using a theoretical model attempted to discover the interrelated elements of the factor of amal and to explain its functional mechanism.

The findings indicate that the functional model of amal consists of two interrelated processes: the intellect-based process dependent on action and the ignorance-based process dependent on avoidance. In either of the above circles, based on its kind of activity an individual will turn to one of the three processes of basṭ al-amal (expansion of expectation), qaṣr al-amal (shortening the expectation) and ṭūl al-amal (lengthening the expectation).

Keywords: amal, amānī, expectation, intellect, ignorance, model.

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